1 Associazione EPICT Italia - European Pedagogical ICT Licence (ITALY)
2 University of Genoa (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN20 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 5668-5678
ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1485
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
This paper describes the process we followed in order to develop 5 surveys based on the framework DigComp aimed to the self-assessment of digital competences for students from primary to secondary school. After a literacy review, we noticed there was not a survey specifically build on DigComp2.1 and with special focus on the different schools level. For that we decide to develop an original survey.

The first two survey are addressed to students of primary school (DigComp 2.1 level of proficiency Foundation -1); the third to first grade of secondary school students (DigComp 2.1 level of proficiency Foundation -2); the fourth to first the two-years period of second grade of secondary school students (DigComp 2.1 level of proficiency Intermediate 3); the fifth to the students of the last three years of secondary school (DigComp 2.1 level of proficiency Intermediate -2).

The relation between the school levels and the DigComp2.1 proficiency levels can be inferred because the eight DigComp2.1 levels are referred to the 8 EQF (European Qualification Framework) levels and a number of international documents referred the 8 EQF levels to school levels. In Italy we refer to the document “Quadro di riferimento nazionale delle qualifiche” ( that is in line with the other European referencing models (

The five surveys have the same structure: they start with the description of a general learning scenario with the characteristics requested by the level of proficiency as above stated, and then follow a number of statements (competency descriptors) that describe a specific situation of use of digital technologies, to which students have to answer expressing the level of competence they have in performing what descriptors state. The descriptors are organized in the 5 main areas if competences of DigComp2.1 Framework

The competence descriptors were developed using the directions of DigComp version 2013 and their articulations contained in the 2017 version of the framework; the competency descriptors were validated by teachers of the specific school level and it is running an evaluation with students.

The options among that students can choose, are the following: with guide, with a little help, by myself, by myself and I can support classmates, I have no idea how to perform this activity.

We used Google App Script to automate the procedure to submit the survey: teachers can ask for a session and they receive automatically a personalized Google Form with identification codes for their students (no personal data are stored). When the survey is closed, teachers received a report containing a general picture for the class and singular reports for each student.

The survey results can be used in three manners: as formative assessment in order to plan specific learning activities to fill the gaps detected, as starting point to discuss with students about what they perceived competencies, as element of comparison to what teachers detect with specific assessment.
DigComp2.1, self-assessment, digital competences.