Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 8505-8508
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.1743
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
To improve the deep learning of the scientific contents of university students, it is common for academic projects to be carried out that solve real problems, in many cases, the products generated are innovative and / or could be commercialized. They are presented in internal exhibitions or participate in academic competitions with these projects, as part of the training actions of students and educational programs. In some institutions they have departments of business seedbeds, supporting some projects for the commercialization or opening of companies. Unfortunately, in Latin America and other regions of the world, projects are only useful for assigning a grade and passing the course. This situation becomes critical, if we consider the world economic scenario, which makes clear the challenges faced by graduates of the higher level when starting the exercise of their profession: high competitiveness, less job stability and a decrease in the programs of social Security. This scenario is even more dire, as a result of the SARS-COV2 pandemic that has left millions of people in poverty around the world. This makes it necessary to rethink, within educational programs, aspects associated with entrepreneurial activities and teaching innovation, in order to train citizens who aspire to better living conditions. These two situations reflect a need to focus academic training activities with the transversal competences of STEM students, such as entrepreneurship and social responsibility. That is, to address problems through the proposals that contribute to the economic and social development of the communities.
This work presents a critical analysis about the reasons that limit the commercialization of products or the implementation of initiatives and the importance of promoting professional skills, entrepreneurship and its relationship with the economic and social development of communities . It has been found that one of the causes of this situation lies in the knowledge of the teachers on the subject and, and on their perspective on the teaching of scientific concepts. It ends with a proposal to promote the entrepreneurial skills of students and teachers, with the aim of helping to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, under a sustainable approach.
Professional skills, science with social benefit, sustainable economic development, social responsibility, STEM.