Vilnius University (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 7136-7143
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1604
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The quality of education is one of the most often used concepts not only in various educational documents, but also in scientific articles. We will find this concept by reading about the activities of various educational institutions, their goals and results (Duoblienė, Bulajeva, 2008; Gedminienė, Gumuliauskienė, 2008; Želvys, 2014; Skarbalienė, 2015). And most often we will have to agree with Y. Sayed (1997), who argues that the concept of “quality” in education is elusive and often used but never defined. Indeed, the use of this term depends on different ideological, social and political values. In defining it, it is also important what we will emphasize more - quantitative measurable outputs as a measure of quality (the ‘economist’ view of education) or educational processes based on what happens in schools and in the classroom (the progressive / humanist tradition) (Barrett, Chawla-Duggan, Lowe, Nikel, Ukpo, 2006). It is likely that different participants in the educational process will also emphasize different aspects of quality of education. In this report, based on the results of discussions in three focus groups, we will analyze how parents, teachers and school administration, as well as employers representatives, understand the quality of education.
Generalizing the results of discussions in all the three groups, it can be stated that employees as well as parents, who participated in the research, follow namely a humanist approach towards the quality of education. The emphasis was laid on innovative educational practices (content, methods, etc.) that are directed towards development of free, responsible, creatively and critically thinking personality. The importance of personalized education based on values and clear philosophy of education and the necessity of collaboration among family, school, employees and other groups of stakeholders are highlighted. However, some responses disclosed that such an attitude is an aspiration rather than a real educational practice. Using various bureaucratic and administrative levers, schools are forced to follow an economist approach towards the quality of education.
Quality of education, general education, education in Lithuania.