Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (MACEDONIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 9059-9069
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2312
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The aim of this paper is to present the developed concept for the creation of a web-based application, that will replace the robust, document-based procedure of the process of recognition of prior learning.

The process of recognition of previous learning is a legal path for obtaining qualification as defined in the European qualification framework. Thus, using this procedure for validation of informal and non-formal learning as a legal path for certification of skilled professionals or students is providing an environment to take into account the knowledge and skills that people usually obtain at their workplace and during life. It supports a lifelong learning process and acknowledges its achievements.

In terms of enabling the digitalization of the learning process itself and accepting the process of recognition of previous learning as a legal path for the achievement of qualification and certification, we are proposing an innovative digital tool e-RPL. The idea is very pioneering and is planned in light of global development toward digitization. The process of recognition of previous learning is based on defined steps of identification, documentation, evaluation, and certification and is completely compatible with the recommendations of the European Training Foundation. As so, it can be easily adjusted as an online process. The whole sequence starting with the communication to identify the necessary skills, then submitting documentation for evaluation, the evaluation of submitted documents and finally issuing certification, can be realized through a web-based platform. Thus, the whole idea is based on harvesting the advances of digital technologies and the availability of a used friendly applications for application processes, that can be easily used by ordinary people as applicants in the process. The process includes three phases: The information phase, the Application phase, and the Evaluation and assessment phase. The process is based on a well-thought, predefined concept. The aim of the concept is to enable and ensure a well-defined procedure running, with determined outputs and clear consecutive actions, resulting in a precisely defined decision-making loop.

In order to have defined criteria for the evaluation of the existing knowledge and skills, a predefined standard for each evaluated qualification should be in place. These minimum requirements for mutual acceptance, recognition, and validation of qualifications, based on the existing occupational standards need to be first defined, as a summary of things that a skilled professional has to “know, be able to do or be competent to do”. These minimum conditions are based on the Units of Learning Outcomes (ULOs), set in the ULO database, which is the basis for building up the application.

This paper presents the developed concept of the web-based tool to serve the digital e-RPL process. The tool is designed and will be available in the frame of the SEEtheSkills Integrated Register, a digital platform for enabling visibility, validation, and increase value of energy efficiency skills, as the main result of the Horizon2020 project SEEtheSkills.
Recognition, digital, certification, informal learning.