Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 2650 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0704
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The present study is based on the project of translation training course recommended for 3rd and 4th year English majors after they have completed a course in translation theory and have mastered techniques in translation from English into Russian and vice versa and includes analysis of “film discourse” notion characteristics, translation and localization techniques, also outlining translation difficulties. An important feature of the pilot language course is the introduction to sociological and cultural aspects of translation process, defined by the acute problems arising in the modern society and reflecting the society’s current state. And in this regard film productions main function is to draw attention to the social problems and help overcome really challenging life situations. At present, among such problems are abuse and bullying. Films based on them are top-rated in the world film distribution and a lot of this success depends on high-quality translation. Translating and localizing films has always been a challenge and remains to be so. Film industry is thriving, which is good for translators because it results in new and diversified material becoming potential resource for training. The authors believe that correct language adaptation of films must be considered as a most critical issue in the university film translation training course. That is why successfully adapted Russian language film versions have been chosen as most adequate translation and localization teaching tools. The films analyzed include translated versions of Euphoria, Big Little Lies, Enough, Safe Heaven, The Duff, Mean Girls, Carrie, Good Joe Bell, Measure of a Man. The main interest is the language pragmatics of abuse and bullying situations which is conveyed through different translation techniques. In this regard the material is thoroughly viewed and only bullying and abuse situations are selected for comparative analysis of the original and translated versions. The authors describe the structure of the communicative situation and define the factors which may influence the translation process. Traditionally, film discourse translation studies concern translation of culturally connotated words, swear words and nicknames also presented throughout the selected material and being the focus of attention. The final stage of the training involves group discussion of individual perception of translation problems, the students are encouraged to offer their own version or to comment on the official translation. As a result, the authors point out key components of abuse and bullying situations and justify language transformations highly desirable to follow not to distort the idea of the communicative situation in question. The methodology might be applied for other languages translation courses, the authors’ observations can be helpful in translation process.
Abuse, bullying, curriculum design, film discourse, language course design, translation difficulties, localization.