Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN12 Proceedings
Publication year: 2012
Pages: 6256-6263
ISBN: 978-84-695-3491-5
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 4th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 2-4 July, 2012
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Without a proper qualification of all parties involved in the life cycle of water supply and sewage disposal infrastructures there is a risk that well-known technical, ecological and economic consequences (water loss, groundwater contamination, etc.) might be the result. Thus, all efforts that are taken at a cost now and in future to construct these systems and improve their condition would often be pushed ad absurdum. A sustainable way to secure the extensive investments in African infrastructure projects should therefore also consider training and education measures as an integral part both in the run-up to starting a professional career and on the job. The educational opportunities required for this purpose are currently not available. This applies in particular to the availability of digital, multimedia-based and interactive learning material.

A new education initiative of German Water Management with partners from education, research and industry that is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research tries to bridge the gap to practice and integrates all parties involved in the life cycle of water supply and sewage disposal infrastructures in one qualification process. Thus, the project which is called AQWA-Academy is not competing with already existing educational alternatives, but it is rather a sensible supplement to them.

Having access to the vital resource of water is an essential basis for health and safety, a peaceful coexistence, and economic as well as social development of our societies. Against a background of climate change and an increasing scarcity of resources the sustainable and efficient use of water is one of the central global challenges. Africa belongs to the affected regions, because political and socio-economic stability as key issues for the future are directly linked to the issue of water. Thus, the sustainable management of water resources is the dominant environmental challenge for a proper consideration of the demands of man and nature in many African countries.

The qualification of specialists in water management is therefore one decisive pillar for sustainable, integrated resource management. Thus, it makes a fundamental contribution to social well-being and stability. That is why AQWA-Academy puts, with the Curriculum, emphasis on planning, construction, operation, maintenance, rehabilitation and management of efficient water supply and sewage disposal infrastructures in its training programme. Knowledge transfer and capacity development are linked in a unique training concept: AQWA Academy offers a communication of knowledge corresponding to the current state-of-the-art combined with multimedia-based interactive teaching methods.

The project AQWA-Academy is oriented towards the needs and requirements of water management practice. The objectives are the following:
- Provision of quality educational content,
- Training for all parties involved in the life cycle of water infrastructures that are adjusted to practical needs
- Development of education and training networks for water management.

In addition to the support of peace and political stability by means of securing a sustained water supply, the project focuses on four guiding principles:
- Harmonisation of training and further education;
- Sharing and increasing knowledge;
- Capacity building,
- Awareness-raising regarding quality requirements.
Capacity Building, Curriculum, Learning On The Job, Virtual Construction Site, Aqwa, Water, Environment.