OTH Regensburg (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 9089-9098
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2189
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Learning management systems gain importance due to the Corona pandemic. To personalize such a learning management system, a Moodle adaption named Pythia was created. Pythia is implemented as a Moodle plugin solution. The possibility of generating learning paths with various algorithms and the change of the graphical user interface is significant. Learning paths are generated with two different algorithms. Nestor algorithm generates learning paths with a Bayesian network, while Tyche algorithm uses a Markov model. The graphical user interface is adapted to the generated learning paths where learning element symbols are customized and the individual learning paths are depicted.

This paper presents the results of a qualitative survey among German students with the aim of evaluating the first version of the learning management system Pythia. 25 students took the subject “Software Engineering for Safe and Secure Systems” in the winter term of 2023/24. The 68 asked questions focus on usage behavior, graphical user interface, usability, preferences, volume, and quality of learning elements, and learning paths. Our Moodle course for the lecture contains seven sections, each section has minimum one subsection on which the learning path is calculated. Last three sections are designed by presenting minimum one learning element of each learning element category except the collaboration tool. In a previous work, ten learning element categories were designed and evaluated comprising manuscript, brief overview, learning goal, quiz, exercise, summary, three types of additional material, and collaboration tool. The first sections are left as they are initially designed by the lecturer (normal section). The survey considers the difference between normal sections and diverse sections. Furthermore, the generated learning paths are evaluated. 13 students undertook Nestor learning paths, whereas 12 undertook Tyche learning paths.

The results suggest that for the majority of students, the learning element symbols are well-chosen. Moreover, all students wish the elements relevant to the exam to be labelled. 23 students are overwhelmed by the number of learning elements in the last sections of the Moodle course. In the future, some suggestions will be implemented such as the labelling of exam relevant learning elements. To overcome the overload of learning elements, a strategy could be developed like hiding learning elements not preferred by the learning path algorithm.
Learning management system (LMS), questionnaire (study), learning elements, learning paths, usability, graphical user interface (GUI), Moodle, higher education area (HEA).