Fernuniversität Hagen (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 650-658
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0226
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
In recent years, the eXperience Application Programming Interface (xAPI) has become increasingly popular for tracking behavior-based data in learning applications. As part of the Realising an Applied Gaming Ecosystem (RAGE) project, xAPI was used for tracking behavior-based data in Serious Games. Building on this, the project "Psychologische ArbeitsGestaltung ErLeben" (PAGEL) will develop a simulation for the university course on work and organizational psychology. A central content focus of the study module "Work and Organizational Psychology" in the bachelor's degree program in psychology at the University of Hagen is job design, which deals with the effect of work on the working person. The critical teaching of theoretical basics of psychological work design, mainly done by reading and discussing relevant theories and research results, is unfortunately mostly lacking in the experience of practical job design training during these studies. This can only be achieved by experiencing a simulated training situation, trying out job design skills, and experiencing the effects of different forms of job design. The planned didactic innovation's primary learning and training objective is acquiring qualifications based on competencies and skills in work psychology to analyze, evaluate, and design work tasks according to defined human criteria. Through minor adjustments, other learning objectives can also be focused on. Methodological qualifications based on corresponding Competencies and Qualifications (CQs) from the Qualifications-Based Learning Model (QBLM) are also developed through a systematic work analysis, which the students have to carry out following a work task they have experienced. The simulation is based on Hertel's Computer Store application. A central element of the game is the student's experience of well and poorly-designed work tasks in terms of the specific manifestation of psychologically relevant work characteristics (e.g., psychological stress). For this purpose, the students will process one or more specifically designed work tasks that are digitally simulated. Psychological stresses, such as interruptions and time pressure, are thus made tangible.

The simulation is part of a study course consisting of a theory quiz, a simulation, and a final quiz. In theory Quiz, factual knowledge is tested. In the final Quiz, the knowledge of action is tested. Competencies and qualifications (CQs) are used for evaluation. The results in xAPI statements are stored in the Learning Record Store (LRS) Learning Locker. Currently, there is no evaluation of the results of the quizzes. The quizzes will be evaluated using methods from the field of gaming and learning analytics (GALA). Based on the psychology course described above, this paper shows the necessary theoretical background, concepts, and implementations. Finally, the paper concludes with a summary and the remaining challenges of the approach.
Gaming Analytics, Learning Analytics, xAPI, Higher Education, Psychology Study, LRS, Learning Locker, QBLM.