1 Ion Ionescu de la Brad University of Life Sciences of Iași (ROMANIA)
2 BB Com, Animăluțul meu (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Experimentation on animals is a widely applied scientific research method, being considered essential for science - in general, and of indisputable historical relevance in discoveries on human, animal and environmental health - in special.
This study aimed to find out the impact of animal experimentation on young people in Romania, represented by high school-, undergraduate-, and master students. A survey was applied on-line in 2019, based on voluntary participation, containing 15 questions. Of a total of 300 questionnaires, 224 were completed by girls.
The results obtained showed that 77% of questioned students considered to have some knowledge about the benefits of animal experimentation. This fact proved the interest in permanently updating of the school curriculum in such field. Regarding the right of ownerships and use of animals, 90% of the surveyed population replied that even if animals are our property, we cannot use them as we please. Just a few answered in the affirmative way free using or did not know the further implications. Half of the surveyed people agreed with the importance of using animals in experiments but at the same time about 47% responded against, did not know or were not interested in the subject, and a total of 60% considered that there are other alternative methods for testing. Among the alternative methods chosen by the respondents, there were the "cell cultures" method (44%), computer simulation (22.3%) or the direct experimentation on humans (4%), and about 22.7% answered negatively whereas 4% are undecided. Almost half of respondents considered that the economic criterion is primordially in using animals in experiments, although 71.7% of them stated that the animals are physically and emotional affected and 83% considered that the long-term welfare of the animals is produced.
As a general conclusion, the survey stirred the interest in further documentation and information for 84% of people, the use of animals for experimentation in medicine was accepted by about 57% of the questioned people, aspects that are in line with the general global trend.Keywords:
Medical experimentation, animals, rights, interest, young people.