University of Ruse (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 6581-6586
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1334
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The aging of the population is proving to be an increasing challenge for societies worldwide. This problem is particularly relevant for European countries, as based on surveys, by 2025 more than 20% of Europeans will be aged 65 and over. The aging population will put health, social and pension systems to the test. This fact implies the mobilization of all professions, institutions and scientific fields that are relevant to the aging process, in order to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

And if this is already seen as a trend in medical education, where the emphasis is on areas related to the health of the elderly, then the universities that provide in-depth training of staff for social, educational and counseling work with the elderly are extremely few. This is determined by the insufficient number of trained and working in this field scientific staff.

In this regard, the creation and development of research centers on the problems of Geragogy should become one of the priorities of these universities, which provide training to students of socio-pedagogical and philosophical specialties. The acquisition of knowledge based on the processes of rapidly evolving technologies and in accordance with the changes in the emotional-intellectual and psychological development of people at 65 plus, should be embedded in the disciplines in the field of Geragogy.

The integrative character of Geragogy has a certain impact on its specific goals and objectives. In our opinion, the main theoretical task of this science is, based on the achievements of the classical sciences, anatomy, physiology, hygiene, gerontology, psychology (gerontopsychology), demography and others. to reveal more fully the main characteristics and features of the elderly, the driving forces of their development, the conditions, factors and prerequisites that favor the optimization of their activity and productivity, to prolong their lives. An important practical and applied task of geragogy is the development of a comprehensive system of rules, recommendations and measures for the observance by the elderly of a healthy lifestyle and way of life, which will ensure their optimal psychophysiological health and longevity.

Due to the fact that there are no hereditary fixed hard limits of life expectancy, an important task of geragogy is to achieve reversibility of the pathological processes of aging, especially in the early stages of their development. At the same time, its equally important task is the prevention and reversibility of the natural aging process, the achievement of maximum possible longevity as an important step in realizing man's dream of immortality. The terms "aging" and "old age" are closely related, but not identical. Aging is a genetically programmed process that takes place not only in the final stage, but also in the previous stages of human life. It involves complex age-related changes at different levels - molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, at the level of different systems and the whole organism. Old age is the result, the general consequence of aging. It is the last, final stage of individual human development. Aging determines the nature and timing of old age. It determines not only the appearance of old age, but also the pace of its development. In turn, old age has a reverse effect on the aging process, it can slow them down or speed them up. In the sense of life, the last period of ontogenesis (gerontogenesis) is usually called the "third age".
Geragogy, education, care, development.