ISCTE-Institituto Universitário de Lisboa (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 8990-8993
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2168
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
European Citizenship Education is a driver of skills development to create the leaders of the future. Young students are the key element of a more inclusive and fairer Europe, and the project European Citizenship Common Education Program For Integrated Europe sought to create educational resources that allow to contribute to the evolution of the knowledge of these young people about Europe, but also to mobilize their knowledge for the development of Europe through the European Club, where they implemented the knowledge acquired through the realization of practical activities. The creation of an Ebook and an APP, which contributes to the development of young students’ skills, facilitates the process of learning about European citizenship.

The methodology applied to this research was action research as it is a collaborative approach that brings together educators and researchers to tackle real-world challenges within classrooms or educational institutions. This methodology emphasizes a continuous cycle of planning, acting, observing the outcomes, and reflecting on the experiences. In the context of this research, the primary aim is to enhance teaching practices, student learning, and educational outcomes while also contributing to the body of knowledge in education. To guide this research the following question was defined "How does participation in the European Citizenship Common Education Program impact the development of young students' knowledge and skills related to European citizenship?"

Results and Discussion:
The result of the research contributes to face the polarization of the labor market, identifying the diversity of skills that are needed to ensure a future for a Europe prepared to face the different crisis situations: financial, economic, public health or social complex contexts.
In this regard, this research identified that it is necessary to develop more knowledge about the European Union Institutions, but also and no less important, critical thinking skills in young students, so they know how to behave and help to respond to those types of complex problems. Moreover, traditional work models are disappearing, giving way to digitally based models, and more flexible workplaces – this means that the schools need to include new pedagogical models in their education systems. Thus, technologies are increasingly advancing, and artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality, and blockchain are emerging as answers to the accomplishment of tasks that were previously performed by human beings as a response to strengthen economies – which will lead to the disappearance and emergence of professions – and new skills will be needed.

The development of European citizenship skills in young students makes it possible to achieve sustainable development, and differences in development between countries are related to the level of skills of their population. However, in addition to the different levels of literacy in various areas in EU countries, the focus on the development of digital skills is very relevant but needs to be complemented with other types of skills, which allow to boost innovation and the transformation of societies.
European Citizenship, Education, Digital Skills.