1 Tver State Technical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Secondary School No. 43 of Tver (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN20 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 5941-5948
ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1552
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Ensuring permanent high quality of education is unthinkable without creating a system of continuous systematic professional development of teachers. Great opportunities for methodological training of teachers are provided by their involvement in the activities of the relevant specialized professional associations. Therefore, the development of a theoretical model of continuous methodological training of chemistry teachers, based on their participation in these activities, can be considered as an innovative scientific issue.

Professional development of educational workers is based on the developed theoretical model, the foundation of which is the leading idea – from the professional growth of the teacher to the cognitive interest of the student.

The most important goal of the Association of chemistry teachers is to create conditions for their professional growth. The participation of educators in the activities of this Association leads to the formation their internal need for continuous professional growth (motivational and need component of the model).

The system of methodic events held by the Association includes teachers' congresses, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, master classes, individual consultations, etc. The content component of the model considers the practical work of the Association's methodic service at all stages of its activity. At the first initial stage, there is a rethinking of the work, clarification of its priority areas, familiarization with advanced teaching experience, and the choice of individual trajectories of scientific and methodological work by teachers. The second (organizational) stage involves intra- and inter-subject application of methodological experience, providing teachers with conditions for the implementation of individual trajectories. At the third (corrective and final) stage, work experience is systematized and summarized, reports are prepared, and performance is evaluated.

The process-activity component of the model considers the following successive stages of professional growth of a teacher: self-identification in the profession (mastering a new social role, acquiring pedagogical experience, striving to meet the requirements of the administration, normative and reproductive nature of activity) → professional self-expression (self-affirmation in the profession, designing an individual style, reproductive and creative nature of activity) → self-realization in creativity (independent choice of strategic and tactical goals of professional development, implementation of own pedagogical ideas, creative nature of activity).

It is shown that numerous professional competitions and the educational projects held by the Association of chemistry teachers of the Tver region are powerful tools for the personal and professional development of educators. The meaning of the official website of the Association as an information resource, an instrument of methodological support and space for the communication of teachers was noted and discussed.

Effectiveness of the proposed methodological system can be evaluated by the following criteria: positive indicators of scientific and methodical work; growth in the number of teachers who have successfully completed the certification; the results of the teachers’ professional contests; quality of students’ knowledge, the results of their state final examination; the number of prize-winners and winners of competitions; teachers’ surveys, etc.
Chemistry teachers, professional growth, theoretical model, continuous methodological training, subject associations of educators.