1 IES Instituto Jose Vilaplana - Vinaròs (SPAIN)
2 ESIME Ticomén - Instituto Politécnico Nacional (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 7785-7788
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.2080
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
This study aims to analyze the guidance process of an academic thesis in the field of environmental education, focusing on environmental identity in East Timor in the year 2008. The goal is to understand how the student's choice of topic and exploration contribute to strengthening environmental identity in a post-conflict context.

The methodology adopted for guiding the thesis was based on an interdisciplinary approach. Starting with a clear delineation of the topic, fundamental questions related to the formation and evolution of environmental identity in East Timor were identified. The process included the analysis of factors such as local history, geography, traditions, and the student's personal experiences and surroundings. The student was encouraged to examine social, economic, and cultural influences and to select appropriate research methods, such as surveys, interviews, document analysis, and participant observation.

The guidance of the thesis resulted in a profound analysis of the ethnoecological knowledge of a community about the Tua-meta Palm (Arenga Pinnata). This interdisciplinary approach allowed for the exploration of cultural, social, and geographical aspects, providing a holistic understanding of how individuals and communities relate to their environment. The selected research methods facilitated the collection of significant data, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the studied environmental identity.

In conclusion, the guidance of the thesis not only addressed the ethnoecological knowledge of the community about the Tua-meta Palm but also promoted a deeper understanding of how individual and collective identity intertwines with the natural environment. This interdisciplinary approach proved crucial in comprehending the complexities of social, economic, and cultural influences on the formation of environmental identity. Exploring these aspects contributes not only to sustainable management of natural resources but also to informed decision-making that takes into account the relationship between the university, communities, and their environment. Ultimately, this study highlights the importance of considering these elements in the process of crafting a thesis on environmental education in post-conflict contexts, which has served to strengthen the environmental identity of postgraduate students, future specialists in promoting sustainable practices in the country
Environmental Identity, Environmental Education, Thesis, East Timor, Interdisciplinarity.