1 Panevezys University of Applied Sciences (LITHUANIA)
2 Vilnius University, Siauliai Academy (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1764-1771
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0501
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
Professional teachers and their continuous professional development are a necessity of the modern world, arising from rapid changes and constant innovations in the life of society. The teacher plays a very important role in society, he/she is a promoter of the teaching process, a researcher, a positive participant in the process of change in education, who prioritizes lifelong learning, he/she is sociable and collaborative, a professional in his/her field.

In order to remain competitive in a rapidly changing environment, various educational organizations use various measures that ensure a quick response to these changes. It is understandable that in today’s context, the activity of the teacher in an educational institution is becoming diverse, requiring the development of new strategies for education of students, teamwork, project activities, communication and cooperation skills, etc. Therefore, continuous teaching/learning in an educational institution is inseparable from daily activities, which enable strengthening the professional competences of the teacher. The teacher’s professional activity is unthinkable without continuous improvement in it, i.e., teaching/learning in the workplace. It is increasingly becoming a part of the culture of the educational organization, which not only helps to adapt to ongoing changes, but also gives the institution the opportunity to work with quality and remain competitive.

Research aim:
To reveal the preschool teachers experiences in teaching/learning in the workplace.

Research methodology:
The research strategy is qualitative research using the method of structured reflection. The field of research is preschool education institutions. The research was conducted in January-June, 2023. 20 preschool teachers from various Lithuanian preschool education institutions participated in the study. In the study, a common essential characteristic of the participants is linked to a common profession – teachers working in preschool education institutions (preschool teachers, hereinafter – PT). The research participants, while completing the reflection, had to focus on the teaching/learning experience, i.e., remember the activities, during which the teaching/learning took place at the workplace.

Research and data analysis methods:
Analysis of scientific, methodological, informational literature. The qualitative content analysis method was used for data analysis. Using this method, semantic units were singled out, allowing to understand how the analysed phenomenon and its content are understood by the subjects (PT) themselves. Statements with the same meaning were grouped together into categories and subcategories and interpreted.

Key research results:
- The preschool teachers’ perception of teaching/learning in the workplace is the most significant for improving and ensuring the quality of education, because participating in the teaching/learning process at the workplace gives teachers the opportunity to acquire new educational methods and ideas, activity organization and planning skills, which they apply perfectly in their professional activities;
- The preschool teachers’ teaching/learning in the workplace takes place by participating in seminars and conferences, preparing various reports for colleagues, leading and observing open activities, reading and analysing various literature, consulting with colleagues and managers of the institution, sharing work experiences with each other.
Preschool teacher, professional development, teaching/learning in the workplace, acquired knowledge, factors for professional development.