Šiauliai University (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 4495-4504
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.0991
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Today the activity of a teacher in an educational institution becomes multidimensional, which constantly requires new pedagogical knowledge and skills, therefore, it is obvious that continuous professional development becomes a priority for preschool teachers. The development of teachers is significant for several reasons: firstly, to preserve and increase knowledge, secondly, to strive to improve the quality of children’s education, and thirdly, it is an essential factor of a successful career of the individual. As improvement is by nature a team and organizational process, it is logical that one of the most effective and convenient ways for teachers to develop professionally is teaching/learning in the workplace. The issue of teaching/learning in the workplace, related to the activity of Lithuanian educational institutions, is today a part of the culture of the institution’s activities, which is still not sufficiently actualized because the involvement in teaching/learning in the workplace usually depends on the individual’s personal and professional characteristics, motivation and the teacher’s own initiative.

The aim of the research – to reveal the factors determining the professional development of preschool education teachers in the workplace.

In order to reveal the experiences of preschool education teachers’ teaching/learning in the workplace, a qualitative research strategy was applied and the method of group interview (i.e., focus group) was used. The research involved 18 teachers of preschool education institutions from various preschool institutions of Lithuania. The essential feature of the focus group participants is related to their common profession – teachers working in the preschool education institution.

The methods of the research: analysis of scientific, methodological, and informational literature. A qualitative focus group method was used for data collection. The chosen method of data presentation is qualitative content analysis, which distinguished semantic units that allow to understand how the phenomenon under analysis and its content are understood by the research subjects themselves. Statements with the same meanings were grouped together into categories and subcategories and interpreted.

Key results of the research:
The research revealed that the perception of preschool teachers about teaching/learning in the workplace is broad and is mostly related to the opportunity to improve when new professional and targeted knowledge and skills are acquired. Teachers are most encouraged to participate in the teaching/learning process by: personal responsibility felt, desire to be evaluated, opportunities for improvement provided, lack of knowledge and growing needs of learners.

Teaching/learning in the workplace is important for preschool teachers due to purposeful professional development and the assurance of quality of education. According to the respondents, improvement in the workplace provides an opportunity to get acquainted with new educational methods, peculiarities of activity organization and planning skills, presupposes new ideas, which in the future will be perfectly applied in modelling daily and professional activities.
Preschool teacher, professional development, teaching/learning in the workplace, acquired knowledge, factors for professional development.