University North (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Through digital communication in a collaborative media environment, not only do individuals create new information practices that are the result of their digital footprints, but also a digital identity by which each individual inevitably creates an image of themselves, which they predictably project into their own reality. The aim of this paper is to examine how digital literacy level of an individual influences the information aspects of digital self-validation, with the aim of exploring the types of discourses that determine digital literacy of adolescents in the digital intelligence domain. To what extent does sharing information about oneself through digital profiles influence the creation of an image of one's body, how it affects young adults' digital intelligence are questions that determine the scope of the research problem. Young adults were selected for the research sample as they build self-awareness and self-affirmation within the social environment, and simultaneously undergo education in the field of media and information literacy within the digital environment. The survey was conducted using an online questionnaire containing original metrics of the influential factors of young adults' digital literacy. Based on the results, the information constructs Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes were designed to determine the information aspects of digital literacy. In this sense, this paper provides an innovative approach to the study of digital literacy in the discourse of new media, an evaluation that can be carried out by complementary research relevant to determining the degree of digital intelligence.Keywords:
Digital communication, digital self-awareness, digital intelligence, digital literacy, information aspects.