University of Aveiro (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2015 Proceedings
Publication year: 2015
Pages: 345-353
ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2015
Location: Madrid, Spain
The conjunction of different teaching and learning methodologies, the intense orientations in active learning contexts, and the process of sharing knowledge communication skills is having an impact on higher education systems worldwide. As the central basics of active learning are student engagement and activity in the learning process, the central element of collaborative learning is the stress on student interactions rather than on learning as a private activity. But the pressing issues associated with research in education would not make any sense without talking about technology. The fact remains that we live in an increasingly digital world and information technology allows learning to take place anywhere at any given time. As it is believed that current and future learning environments should motivate and engage learners in reflective thinking and active knowledge construction, the potential of technological issues in education is in knowing how to help students and teachers in doing so. The paradigm of what has the impact of technology been in this context is an ongoing debate about whether it is the design of the instruction that improves learning or if the mere use of technology that enhances learning. So, in order to understand learning in active and collaborative environments, researchers should pay attention to cognitions and, also, to communication technologies. Particularly, to some technologies applied to education that are gaining in attractiveness in educational settings. This work offers a contribute to the discussion about how the implementation of active learning methodologies associated with technologies applied to education produce implications in enhancing learning at a higher educational level. From the prior scenario the study presented here discusses how collaborative platforms in technological contexts (online discussion forums, wikis and specific software) can actively involve students in the learning process. The sample consists of students of the under graduation in Marketing at a Portuguese university, along two consecutive years. Data was gathered using a questionnaire. The results show that as more empirical tasks are proposed to the students, the more students participate and are present in class. Furthermore, findings suggest that the use of similar elements to those which are perceived by students as part of their future professional activity, leads to more proactive postures of learning. Finally, the authors found that students seem to identify the need to regulate their own learning, reinforcing the issue of planning and regulation of the collaborative activities and the role of synchronous and asynchronous opportunities, sponsored by collaborative platforms.
Teaching and learning methodologies, technological issues in education, technology-enhanced learning, students, higher education.