University of Barcelona (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 2326-2329
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0641
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Among the most characteristic functions associated with the performance of the School Directors, we highlight the importance we attribute to those that have a greater impact on their professional development. Training processes through various modalities and accompaniment constitute a device within their reach that is not always sufficiently exploited. Analyzing the research and reviewing the literature: Almazán (2014), Antúnez y Silva (2020), Marcelo y Estebaranz (1996), Martínez y González (2010), Molina y Juárez (2018) it becomes evident that our subject of study still appears weakly as a central focus of analysis or deserves a tangential and anecdotal consideration. Through this paper we aim to offer an overview of reflections and practical proposals aimed at improving the performance of these functions. Three preferential actions are highlighted:
(i) managing knowledge at the local level;
(ii) guiding shared learning;
(iii) opening new, or at least renewed, doors for autonomous learning. It also identifies when and on what topics they can be most efficient and satisfactory.

The observation of the professional practices of school directors can be carried out by using various instruments for data collection: interviews in formal spaces for reflection on managerial practice; non-participant observation and discussion group. We select an Observation Guideline with two axes: A) Accompaniment processes. A1. Technical Skills: feedback, communication, time management, agreement establishment, agreement follow-up, identification of strengths, identification of areas for improvement, design of objectives, spaces for reflection, use of support tools (tutoring, coaching, inquiry dialogic, peer counselling). A2. Social skills: development of eye contact, open posture, reinforcing gestures, empathy, does not make value judgments. B Leadership B1. Personal resources: development of leadership styles (transformational, transformative, democratic, laissez faire). B2 Generation of a shared strategic vision and professional skills.

We did 6 observations of 2 directors in their accompanying practices. The results helped us to make management needs visible, through the design of the guideline and its subsequent feedback and to empower principals in their leadership styles with their teams.

[1] Almazán Moreno, & Campoy Aranda, T. J. (2014). La supervisión educativa en contextos de cooperación internacional. Universidad de Jaén.
[2] Antúnez, S., Silva García, P. (2020). Liderazgo directivo en los centros educativos: salir de la maraña de la confusión. Aula de Secundaria, (28), 28-32.
[3] González Pons, Martínez Diloné, H. A. (2010). Acompañamiento pedagógico y profesionalización docente: sentido y perspectiva. Ciencia y sociedad, 35(3), 521–541.
[4] Marcelo García, & Estebaranz García, A. (1996). Innovación educativa, asesoramiento y desarrollo profesional. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
[5] Molina, L., Juárez, J. (2018). El acompañamiento en la educación social: los retos de una tarea cotidiana. En Rodrigo-Moriche, Desafíos para la educación social en tiempos de cambio: propuestas de trabajo para la intervención socioeducativa. 1-359. Ediciones Aljibe, S.L.
School principals, Transformative Leadership, Organizational Development Educational Practices, Peer Coaching.