Independent Researcher (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
Today it is essential that students acquire the key competences, develop comprehensively and be as self-sufficient, adaptive, collaborative and creative as possible to evolve correctly in this global and hyper-technological era. Therefore it is relevant to provide content, activities and tools that help in the forced update to teachers and students. The interest in educational projects that combine science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) shows the increasing usefulness of arts in current education. Sound art is a transdisciplinary praxis between music and plastic arts. It has deep relationships with other humanities, sciences and technologies. The use of various technologies and languages in the same artwork is very common in it. It promotes an integral, multidisciplinary, experiential and collaborative education. And also the communication, reflection, creativity, critical and disruptive thinking. The development of active listening and the knowledge of the relationships between oneself, the others and the environment it's essential in it. And the mistake, chance or the present are used to create artworks that include real life in them. This is why they’re of special interest to generate funny, meaningful and actual STEAM projects with which work topics of general interest. The objectives of this presentation are to provide a STEAM project that uses sound-plastic praxis that other teachers can use, while its description and evaluation tries to show its educational power, its suitability for the acquisition of the 21st century skills and its potential as a facilitator of scientific and technological content. The project title is “Concerts to be more eco-logical” and involves the creation and execution of an experimental, multifocal, collaborative and sound-plastic music concert. It’s divided into complementary activities to work contents and skills in a more specific and controlled way. With them, contents of mathematics, physics, acoustics, engineering (luthery), ecology, civics or digital world are deepened in a funny way thanks to current artistic practices.
The activities are arranged in the four stages to develop a complete musical concert and respond to:
(1) how to create ecological instruments,
(2) scores,
(3) how to interpret and also
(4) broadcast ecological music.
The project can be adapted to different ages and levels but here it focuses on students aged 12-13 for a correct presentation and evaluation. The key competences, the way to analyse, work with and evaluate them are based on what is indicated by the projects The Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S), the ATC21S of Costa Rica and the Assessment for Transversal Skills (ATS2020), a line chosen for its actuality, continuation, its international character and the number of agents involved which makes it of great interest. The presentation is the analysis of the “Concerts to be more eco-logical” and follows a similar scheme as any educational project and its evaluation:
(1.1) Educative situation,
(1.2) Problem definition,
(1.3) Project objectives,
(1.4) Justification of the project and the
(1.5) Analysis of the proposal.
In it is pointed (1.5.1) a general description, (1.5.2) its educational objectives, (1.5.3) a sequence of the stages with a summary of contents, activities, organization, timing and resources, (1.5.4) the evaluation criteria and (1.5.5) the analysis of the proposal in relation to 21st century skills and the projects ATC21S and ATS2020.
After that, the conclusions are exposed along with a desire for collaboration (2). The results show the versatility and usefulness of these practices as educational tools. It demonstrates their power to generate meaningful contents and activities that facilitate STEM contents and the acquisition of the 21st century skills, helping students to develop their ways of thinking, living and working in a funny way.Keywords:
XXI Century, 21st Skills, STEAM, Informal Learning, Sound-Art.