University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 1803-1810
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.0544
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
In technical specialties, the specificity of the rapid change of the development of technologies and equipment makes it difficult to provide a variety of modern hardware, which makes it difficult for students to study in engineering specialties. This makes it difficult for technical universities to follow the trends of this change. Ways out of this situation are testing in the learning process of interactive learning in engineering education based on Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). After the research done by the authors, it can be seen that there are many useful tools available in this field and in this context for this kind of learning, from virtual classrooms to online libraries and interactive tests. However, these tools often do not integrate with a specific LMS, making it difficult to incorporate them into teaching and learning plans. Learning Management Systems are Internet-based systems that integrate a wide range of different types of course administration tools and tools. The authors examine the significant change occurring in higher education. The emphasis of this report is related to the possibility of interactive learning using the Moodle system is with integrated computer systems known as LMS. Through the use of Moodle, some technical barriers are removed and the quality of education is increased, it also enables educators and organizations to create innovative and integrated laboratory exercises in engineering education.

They allow instructors and students to share course materials, make course announcements, send and return course assignments, and communicate with each other online. This paper presents a detailed overview of the rapid development of online LMS and a comprehensive overview of their impact on teaching and learning. The authors address the possibility of these applications being mixed and matched within the context of any given course through the Learning Tools Interoperability standard, which prescribes a way to easily and securely connect learning applications and tools to platforms such as learning management systems, portals and repositories of learning objects on your premises or in the cloud, in a secure and standard way and without the need for expensive custom programming. With LTI, if educators and learners have an interactive assessment application or a virtual lab in engineering disciplines, it can be securely connected to another LMS seamlessly.

LTI standards implement features that support key teaching and learning activities, such as providing usernames and roles so that the tool can intelligently address the learner at startup, and platform-to-tool exchange of assignments for assessment and subsequent results back to central grade book.

All this inevitably leads to lasting trends in learning. Teaching aids are gradually moving from the classic paper version to WEB-based ones. Students visit the classics less and less and rely more on virtual libraries and the Internet to access the information and literature that interests them. This, of course, is dictated not only by modern technologies, but is also a requirement of the modern dynamic lifestyle.

This type of training provides additional resources such as forums, chat, discussion groups, links to electronic literature sources, message boards and in practice does not replace, but complements traditional training. This allows the advantages of this approach to delivering learning content to be used.
Engineering education, learning management system, Internet-based systems, learning activities.