1 South Ural State-Pedagogical University. (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN17 Proceedings
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 1056-1059
ISBN: 978-84-697-3777-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2017.1222
Conference name: 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2017
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Speech integrates all aspects of child’s development and is the most important indicator of his development at an early age. Thus any disorder in oral speech formation at an early age is the indicator of overall or partial underdevelopment of a child. Currently, the problem of early deviations revealing in psychospeech growth and their precise qualification has gained great importance in speech therapy. In Russia all possible variants of oral speech impaired development at an early age is classified as speech development delay. Such featureless rendering doesn’t allow us to reveal the structure of underdevelopment and identify methods of impact at the most favorable period. Scientific school by L. S. Vygotsky and R. E. Levina set up methodological basis for elaboration of deviation diagnosis in oral speech formation among early-aged children and precise underdevelopment qualification.

Goal and objectives:
There is a great necessity for thorough study of violation predictors in oral speech formation at the most favorable period of its formation and development at infant and early age, their systematization in complex diagnose and precise qualification of oral speech underdevelopment at an early age in logopedic conclusion.

The method:
Evaluation of the theoretical investigation results, statistical analysis methods of data processing gained in the process of examining 750 babies and early-aged children, collecting observational follow-up study data, generalization of practical experience diagnostics and correction of oral speech formation derangements.

Research results. Discussion:
We identified the basic conceptual modules and specifications of study in baby and children oral speech formation. For concise qualification of derangements among early-aged children speech formation we consider it is important to introduce the concept ”speech development deviation” as a special logopedic conclusion. Under deviations of speech development we understand underdevelopment of verbal, intonation-rhythmic processes in the range of firmly-dynamical speechlanguage system conditioned by inadequacy of socio-communicative circumstances and as a result immaturity of psychophysiological speech prerequisites. With the help of grading method (standardization of primary points according to scale) and collecting observational follow-up study data we identified regularities in manifestation of speech development deviations among children and identified five types of deviating speech development at an early age.

Precise differentiated qualification of violated oral speech formation at an early age (deviations in speech acquisition and its type) allows us to detect underdevelopment in good time, to work out individual program of corrective-preventive impact and to recover fully or partially regular speech genesis.
Early age, speech development deviations, speech development, psychoverbal development, typology of early-aged speech deviations.