1 Ono Academic College (ISRAEL)
2 The College of Society and Arts (ISRAEL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Page: 3342 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.0957
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Background and Rational:
Prior studies suggest that faculty members who perceived as credible and professional are more evaluated and effective in classrooms, and their students achieve better learning results. Perception of individuals is influenced by plural factors among which is attire. Formal attire is associated with an organized, knowledgeable and well prepared professional, compared to other forms of attire. The proposed study wish to understand the effect of faculty members' style of attire, on the learning experience of their students.

Examination of c the relationship between faculty’s attire and their perceived professionalism and quality of teaching as experienced by undergraduate students.

238 Israeli undergraduate students, with average age of 27.5 (SD 2.34) completed an online survey. The participants were presented with pictures of supposed faculty members with formal and non- formal attire and asked to evaluate professionalism and quality of teaching based on their attire. Formal attire was differentiated with business suit for men, and a business suit or classic dress for women. Non-formal attire for men was differentiated by slacks and buttoned up shirt and blouse and skirt or slacks for women. The survey was based on a questionnaire used in a similar research ) Lavin, Davies, & Carr, 2010( and is internally valid and reliable (α=.82).

Formally attired faculty members were graded higher in both measures of professionalism and quality of teaching (t(236)=1.852, p<0.05, t (236)=-3.19, p<0.01 respectively).

Attire influences students’ perception of faculty, with formal attire associated with higher levels of professionalism. The current research offers a unique perspective, supported by empiric evidence in a closed environment, on the role of attire as an important personal factor that requires consideration. Findings may promote awareness among faculty as to the message their dress convey and their students' experience in classroom.
Undergraduate experience, faculty's attire.