United Arab Emirates University (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES)
About this paper:
Appears in:
ICERI2010 Proceedings
Publication year: 2010
Page: 370 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-614-2439-9
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 3rd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 15-17 November, 2010
Location: Madrid, Spain
Several approaches to second/foreign language (L2) teaching methodology (e.g., communicative language teaching, community language learning, skill-based language teaching, and task-based learning) emphasize learner-centred instruction (LCI) as a more effective way for learning. However, when pressed hard, very few practising teachers and instructors know exactly what is LCI, why it is more conducive to L2 learning and teaching, and how to implement it in the classroom context.
In this interactive presentation, the presenter will first illustrate the main characteristics of LCI (What). Next, he will illustrate the second language acquisition (SLA) basis of LCI (Why). Specifically, he will present research findings from three SLA perspectives that have consequences for LCI: The input-interaction perspective, the output perspective, and the socio-cultural perspective. Finally, he will present ways of implementing insights obtained from these perspectives into LCI in the L2 classroom (How). Two main strategies will be illustrated with real examples and discussed in the presentation: task-based instruction and repair strategies.
The presentation will provide the audience with the knowledge and skills they need to know, use, and discuss in an informed way the basic concepts of LCI, the SLA basis of it, and how to implement it in the L2 classroom in order to make L2 learning and teaching more principled and more effective. The audience will be actively involved in each part of the presentation.
Learner-centred instruction, second language acquisition, classroom implementation.