People's Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 5459-5463
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1333
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The last twenty years have been characterized by a sudden transformation of educational methods. Multimedia technologies and digital information aids have replaced the chalkboard and printed textbook, which have remained constant companions of teachers for almost a century. Technological progress, the development of microprocessors and nanotechnologies have created unique educational environment, previously unseen.
The world perception of the schoolchildren has also changed drastically. In the last decade, due to the continuous growth in the amount of information consumed, the advent of high-speed and mobile Internet, the rapid development of social networks and Internet media, such a concept as "clip thinking" has come into use. Clip thinking refers to the change of priorities and the transition from the perception of mainly textual information to the perception of video clips. At the same time, the schoolchildren including the children from primary school perceives the information in fragments, in short chunks and vivid images.
In the new conditions, the teacher needs to understand that not all innovations are useful in pedagogical practice. Innovations should be taking into consideration moral and ethical norms, religious norms, national customs and traditions, mental characteristics of students, so as not to harm their spiritual development. New technologies should be harmoniously combined with classical methods of teaching school subjects that existed earlier. The most important problem is connected with revision of educational programs for primary school children.
This article will analyze some useful innovations for the primary schoolchildren; in particular, the pros and cons of using interactive educational games in the activities of a teacher will be analyzed.
Educational games and edutainment technologies are known to be very important. But there are some fundamental questions which still remain unexplored.
-How to use edutainment practices?
-What kind of educational games are proper for the school children?
-What proportions between edutainment technologies and other kinds of educational practices should be followed?
-What is the optimal duration of educational game for the children of primary school?
The author came to conclusion that edutainment technologies including interactive developing video games, brain games, learning games and even outdoor games are very useful in modern educational process. These technologies have become the essential part of modern educational process in primary school.
But it should be taken into consideration that edutainment method should be combined organically with other classical methods which are used in school program (tests, control works, reading practices, and teacher’s explanations).
So edutainment is very demanded method for the primary school children but it should be accompanied by other educational methods.
Educational system, multimedia technologies, clip thinking, modern educational methods, interactive programs, educational games, generation of «Buzzers».