Universitat Politècnica de València (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 2223-2231
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0610
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
This article aims to bridge the gap between university studies that currently integrate marketing-related educational content and the world of science and research by proposing an innovative approach to integrating marketing principles into university curricula in a unique way, that focuses specifically on the particular context of EU research and development projects. These projects increasingly embrace technologies and methodologies as diverse and cutting-edge as artificial intelligence and big data; resilience, sustainability and circular economy; blockchain; ultra-fast connectivity; or augmented and virtual realities. However, all these projects, in addition to these technologies and methodologies, require other types of knowledge and skills for their development and effective deployment, which are embodied in specific work packages for communication and dissemination, community building and the development of exploitation plans. Remarkably, these activities are strongly related to knowledge rooted in marketing, albeit from a different perspective. The proposed educational initiative advocates the inclusion of practical sessions in university marketing subjects to explore a specialised form of marketing: exploitation in the field of EU research and development projects. Underpinning this pedagogical endeavour are two primary objectives. Firstly, to broaden students' perspectives on the scope of marketing, traditionally associated with the corporate sphere, by emphasizing its applicability in unconventional domains such as science and research, thereby fostering a holistic understanding of marketing's multifaceted role. Furthermore, this initiative pretends to introduce students to research as an engaging workspace, which goes beyond the scientific and technological realm and paves the way for interdisciplinary exploration, encompassing knowledge areas such as management, intellectual property, exploitation strategies and, prominently, digital marketing. Employing active learning methodologies, including case studies and collaborative projects, students will be immersed in practical experiences mirroring real-world scenarios. By simulating the diverse challenges faced by marketing professionals in the context of EU research and development projects, students will not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also cultivate essential skills in strategic thinking, communication, and adaptability. Through this innovative pedagogical approach, the methodology presented in this paper seeks to inspire students to recognise the integral role of marketing in diverse fields, thereby fostering a generation of professionals prepared to adapt to the complexities of unique and diverse work environments.
Marketing education, R&D project, interdisciplinary exploration.