Naresuan University, Faculty of Education (THAILAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 1314-1324
ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 18-20 November, 2013
Location: Seville, Spain
The purpose of this study was to present Activity Project Sets to Develop the Participatory Project for Undergraduate Student in Education Program. The objectives of the study were; (1) to study the specific components and characteristics of the activity project sets, and the procedures to in improve the activity project sets and the participatory in the activity project sets, (2) to create and evaluate the efficiency of the activity project sets to develop the participatory for undergraduate Students in education program according to the standard criterion 80/80, (3) to try out and study the consequences of the activity project sets to develop the participatory for undergraduate students in education program, and (4) to present the activity project sets to develop the participatory for undergraduate Students in education program.
The research methodology was divided into 4 principal steps according to the objectives of the study. There are 7 groups of participants (3-5 participants each), total 21 participants. The sampling is 30 students of Educational Technology and Computer Sciences, who registered in 2nd Semester, academic year 2012 and 5 knowledgeable persons. The research instruments are; (1) a questionnaire for participants, (2) the activity project sets to develop the participatory, (3) an evaluation form, (4) a questionnaire for experts, (5) a questionnaire for students’ satisfaction, (6) a questionnaire for participants’ opinion, and (7) an assessment form for knowledgeable persons, data analysis to calculate the mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent
The findings are; (1) activity project sets to develop the participatory for undergraduate students in Education program has 5 principal components which are (1.1) the activity project sets, (1.2) the participants, (1.3) the project work, (1.4) the procedures, and (1.5) the students who worked on the project. Besides, there are 26 subordinate components have specific characteristics, that is to say, this vocational project is an integrated project that continuously contains participatory activities in order to exchange experiences and help the undergraduate students in education program, in both face-to-face and online situation, from whom concerned that divided by the role of student’s development project which contains 5 activity projects sets, (2) the result of the consequences of activity project sets to develop the participatory meets the expected standard. (3) the tryout of activity project sets to develop the participatory shows that (3.1) after studying under the conditions of this activity project sets, the students have increased their ability to develop the project for .05 of the significant level, (3.2) the students are “highly” satisfied by activity project sets, (3.3) the participants are satisfied by their role, and (3.4) the presentation, that has been delivered to both the knowledgeable persons and the participants, shows that the activity project sets is “highly” proper to be implemented in real situations.
Activity package, Participatory project, Undergraduate students in education program.