University of Alicante (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 5659 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1410
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Soft skills, also known as interpersonal or social skills, refer to a set of personal attributes and abilities that enable individuals to effectively interact, collaborate and navigate social situations. These skills encompass a wide range of capabilities, including but not limited to emotional intelligence, teamwork, adaptability, leadership, problem-solving, and effective communication. Schools have a relevant role to play in fostering the development of soft skills among students. While academic subjects focus primarily on knowledge acquisition and technical expertise, the cultivation of soft skills is equally important for students' personal growth and future success. Schools provide a structured environment where students have the opportunity to engage with peers and teachers, allowing them to practice and refine their interpersonal abilities.
Among the various stakeholders within the education system, teachers hold a central position in imparting soft skills to their students. They serve as role models and facilitators, guiding students in honing their communication skills, promoting empathy and understanding, fostering teamwork, and helping them manage their emotions effectively. Teachers create a supportive and inclusive classroom atmosphere that encourages active participation, collaboration, and open dialogue. Physical education can be considered one of the most appropriate subjects for teaching soft skills due to the idiosyncrasy of the subject. While physical education is recognized as a potentially suitable subject for teaching soft skills, it is worth noting that there is currently a lack of knowledge regarding how these skills are specifically addressed and evaluated within the context of physical education, as well as the general opinion of teachers about soft skills. A qualitative study is presented in which 12 primary school physical education teachers have been interviewed with the aim of determining the knowledge, implementation, evaluation, and importance given to soft skills. After analyzing the results, it was observed that only 25% of the interviewees are familiar with the term "soft skills". Nevertheless, 91.67% of the participants acknowledged the need to work on them in physical education. Regarding the implementation of soft skills, 42.85% of the responses mentioned the role of the teacher as a key factor. Among them, collaboration and teamwork (31,03%), empathy (24,13%) and communication (20,69%) were the most commonly cited skills. Additionally, it was observed that the evaluation of these skills does not account for more than 30% of the final grade, and in 83,33% of the cases, it is done through direct observation without systematization. From the fourth research question emerged the last theme, related to the degree of importance given to soft skills. The results showed that 38,09% of the responses recognized their relevance for career success, and 28,57% for holistic development.
In conclusion, it is evident that teachers, despite being aware of the importance of soft skills, do not implement them comprehensively, nor do they evaluate them using systematic instruments that allow for tracking and giving them the deserved importance within the education context. Hence, the results of the present study reveal the need to raise awareness about soft skills among teachers and provide training that enables them to effectively apply and evaluate these skills in the classroom.
Social skills, emotional intelligence, communication skills, personal development, employability.