Hasselt University (BELGIUM)
About this paper:
Appears in:
ICERI2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 2470-2479
ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 18-20 November, 2013
Location: Seville, Spain
Intro- changes of learning model and learning environment:
The challenge for the educational team when developing a math course , is to facilitate both, conceptual as well as procedural math thinking. As a consequence in some math courses, some pre-algebra concepts were reduced or organized as selfstudy, and more attention is paid to providing practical applications of concepts and on mathematical modeling. The course will be a hybrid course, in an experientially based format by including an integrated lab component.
The learning environment has changed drastically in the past several years. Implementation of active and interactive methods and tools is impacting students learning quality. Concepts are: active and cooperative learning, learning communities, service learning, cooperative education, inquiry and problem-based learning and team projects.
Online videos including learning content were used.
Smart teaching technologies to develop online learning course:
Lecture capturing is increasingly in demand as a method of developing online lectures. Life lecture capturing is creating videos of the life lectures and is publishing them afterwards in the intranet, the LMS( learning Management System) or on YouTube. Lab developed lecture capturing is creating videos in a lab of a simulation of the lecture.
The hybrid blended e-learning model
Because the lab-capture of a lecture can be of high quality, it is even possible to organize the captured lectures as replacing some classroom sessions by self-study online learning sessions, by the way freeing classroom time for more student centered learning activities: research activities, problem solving, project work.
Lab lecture capturing is suitable especially applicable to mathematics content delivery in the online learning environment where both visual and audio media “[are] crucial in demonstrating multistep problem solving approaches”
CASE development of blended e-learning course math:
The learning process is a blended process including face to face sessions and self-paced learning activities.
An optimal hybrid course model
The learning process is a blended process of face to face sessions and self-paced learning activities. The following is the hybrid course model.
1.(online) individual remediation of pre-requisite math knowledge.
2.interactive online lectures introducing the concepts of the theory, and the applications in a business environment. online simulations of lectures and practice sessions to support individual learning
3.a practice session in the classroom where students are guided in solving exercises selfstudy exercises and problems guided by the system
Development of presentation video’s: LAB lecture capturing in UHasselt
Attractive visual presentations of the theoretical modules are focusing on the concepts, the exercises and applications in business context. Life lecture presentations/ simulations of the face-to-face lectures are developed using the software lecturescribe (Clemson University). Spoken explanations and handwritten input on a Wacom display are integrated and published as a flash file.
The lab infrastructure is composed of a multimedia desktop and a Wacom display with pen. Lecture Scribe is the open source software to develop the flash file.Keywords:
Smart teaching technology, blended e-learning, course mathematics.