Friedrich-Schiller University Jena (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Page: 2357 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0589
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
In an increasingly globalised world, intercultural competence is a key asset to be able to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. Cultures are shaped among others by values, beliefs, and perspectives. Following Leung, Ang and Tan (2014), intercultural competence can be defined as the ability to function effectively across contexts shaped by different values, beliefs and perspectives, to think, act and communicate appropriately. Previous studies emphasized that variables such as language competence, prior experiences, immersion, and acculturation contribute to the development in intercultural competence (Tarchi & Surian, 2022).
Despite a growing body of literature in the field of intercultural competence and educational programmes, it seems that there is still considerable uncertainty concerning fundamental competences regarding intercultural competence.
This study investigated the relation between the transformation of the mind and the intercultural competence. Based on Kegan’s constructivist model of subject-object transformation of the mind (Kegan, 1982), I will theoretically analyze that the subject-object transformation contributes to the development of intercultural competence.
While the subject is that in which one is involved, the object, in contrast, designates that which the person views. If this way of knowing changes, a transformation occurs: The subject becomes an object. Transformation of the mind understood as a subject-object movement contributes to promoting the ability to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. This process can be explained by an increasing complex cognitive perspective. Using the „Immunity to Change“ (ITC) approach developed by Kegan and Lahey (2009), we will show that the findings can inspire the intercultural education and training.

[1] Leung, K., Ang, S. & Tan, M.L. (2014), 'Intercultural Competence', Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behaviour, 1:4889-519.
[2] Tarchi, C., Surian, A. (2022). Promoting intercultural competence in study abroad students. Eur J Psychol Educ 37, 123–140.
[3] Kegan, R. (1982). The Evolving Self. Cambridge, MA.
[4] Kegan, R. & Lahey, L. (2009). Immunity to change, Harvard Business Review Press.
Intercultural competence, transformation, subject-object movement.