Technical University of Darmstadt (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN20 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 5882-5888
ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1531
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
In times of a growing computer games market, the range of possible games is increasing steadily. This particularly applies for educational games.
Educational games are a specific kind of Serious Games (SG). The aim of SG is not only to entertain but also to achieve an additional serious or characterizing goal. Using these games is therefore conceivable in almost all areas of life. Goals include for example, the learning and application of mathematical accomplishments, the increase of comprehension and acceptance of medical treatments or the increase of daily physical activity.
Particularly in Educational Games, the combination of playing and learning is very challenging. This concerns on the one hand the development of high-quality games but also the selection of games most suitable for the specific needs of the player.

Currently, criteria to rate the quality of Serious Games are developed focusing on education and sports. Those criteria are based on constantly updated literature, research of theoretical findings and empirical studies of high quality Serious Games. Based on those findings, expert discussions were held to summarize the different relevant aspects into four superordinate quality dimensions.

(1) Serious Part
Example: The elaboration of the educational and sport science content is based on the characterizing goal. Therefore, the content has to be designed to suit the target group of the SG.

(2) Games Part - Game Design
Example: The SG has to use signs and feeback to give the user orientation.

(3) Technology
Example: As the focus lays on digital Serious Games, the technology used has to run smoothly.

All of those three quality dimensions need to be found within the serious game. Those criteria have to fit together for the serious game to display its full potential. This forms the fourth quality dimension.

(4) Fitting between the serious aspects, the Game Design and the used technology
Example: The used technology supports the characterizing goal of the SG.

All four quality dimensions are further differentiated. Those dimensions should be applicable for serious games in the categories education, sports, simulations and health and should therefore be kept simple.
The fitting between the different dimensions and the relation to the games goal have proved to be particularly important.
This aspect will be highlighted in the talk in the context of mathematical education games.

[1] Dörner, R., Göbel, S., Effelsberg, W., Wiemeyer, J. (Eds.) Serious Games - Foundations, Concepts and Practice. Springer International Publishing. 2016.
Serious Games, Educational Games, Mathematics, Quality.