About this paper:
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The project is a regular form of the lessons, which certainly evokes a response from students. Sometimes project weeks are organized and then students from several groups become participants at once. Interest in project work as a form of organizing foreign language classes arose many years ago, and many teachers, experimenting in their lessons, have made and are making valuable comments, share their experience.
To formulate an adequate goal, three questions should be asked:
1) What should be achieved at the end of the project and who might be interested in this product? (Product? Addressees?)
2) What is the scope of the project / activity? (Group / modular project?)
3) What is the time frame? (one-lesson / one-day / semester project?)
Various models can be used in design work:
-linear (used after studying a certain material, training skills and developing skills and this model offers the opportunity to create some kind of product in the course of collaboration and present it, for example, an interview conversation, which is preceded by writing a job application, an autobiography, telephone conversations, study of forms of etiquette, intercultural differences;
- integrative (the need for special knowledge, methods, exercises, applications is determined during the project, and the corresponding modules are mastered during the implementation of the project); similarity to the inductive way of learning (participants themselves discover their gaps and find solutions), for example, the very interview is the goal of the project, and the participants in the process of work, faced with problems, determine strategies and tactics, mastering the necessary material.
The SMART formula is recommended as a guideline for project work [Florian Nohl 2006]
Specific, well-articulated goals are an important foundation in the course of a project, as they provide direction. The project must comply with the formula:
S-pezifisch - clear and specific for all participants,
M-essbar - measurable progress,
A-usführbar is realistic and therefore achievable,
R-elevant - interesting for all participants,
T-erminiert - Limited in time.
Using the example of one project lesson, specifically, this project lesson was organized in a group studying German in a professional field, which I presented and became a finalist of the competition organized as part of a conference in Kaliningrad (Russia), all phases of organizing a project lesson are described, from the initiative to stage of reflection. The role of the teacher is analyzed and all the rules are formulated according to which the work should be built in order for all the goals to be achieved. This technique implies a significantly larger number of goals, including social, linguistic, professional, special, interdisciplinary.
A great benefit for students lies in the experience when they, sometimes with very fragmentary knowledge of the language, with difficulties no longer depend on the teacher, but can solve the problems they themselves have set. What is valuable is that they understand that they can have their own ideas and implement them using a foreign language.
Through project learning, in addition to professional competence, the social skills of the learners are increasingly developed. Comprehensive training and forms of work, product orientation in project work contribute to the acquisition of competencies such as teamwork, problem solving, complex thinking, creativity, etc. Keywords:
Project work, linear model, integrative form, social and professional skills, interdisciplinary.