Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa (TURKEY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Page: 10551 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2789
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
In this research paper, the integration of problem-based and project-based learning strategies had been adapted on the university elective course, which most of the seniors were taking, in order to create an ecosystem in which most of the seniors had the opportunities to transfer their knowledge from the university to the field that would work after the graduation. Problem-based learning (PBL) was the first phase to find out the main reasons of the problems, whereas Project Based Learning or Practice Based Learning became the second phase, which was very popular, especially after the COVID-19, on which the global and local societies were challenged by highly complex problems. Additionally, most of the students preferred PBL rather than exam based learning (EBL). In this PBL, Project Based Learning or Practice Based Learning, the students felt free to solve the small and/or big problems by using the knowledge that had gathered during their studies at the university.

In this well structured research project, in order to comprehend what the main impacts of the PBL, Project Based Learning/Practice Based Learning rather than EBL in the Fall Semesters of 2021. Hence, the main goal of the qualitative research was to profile the differences, the benefits, and the weaknesses of PBL rather than EBL. Hence, the research project was conducted in 2 different classes: the first one had PBL and the second one had EPL. The focus groups were organized in the two different classes at the beginning of the courses in order to understand the negative and positive expectations. Then, at the end of the courses, the other focus groups were organized in order to understand deeply, the positive, negative impacts, leadership, emotional intelligence, the self confidence, the capacity of innovation, the courage to apply different projects, like ERASMUS+ and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. The well-organized data analyses for each group were conducted in the subgroups by using the semi-structured questionnaires. At the end, the NVivo was preferred to analyze the different conditions of BPL and EBL.

At the end of the research project, the analyses of the each classes were extremely different. The first and the most important answers were so clear about happiness (95% rather than 43%), satisfaction (90% rather than 23%), assertiveness (86% rather than 22%), leadership skills (83% rather than 34%), emotional intelligence wise (96% rather than 45%), empathy (96% rather than 18%), innovation based development (88% rather than 23%). In the first class in which PBL was intensively used, the university senior students felt ready to find out the local and global problems, like the UN, Sustainable Development Goals rather than in the second class in which EBL was intensively used (89% rather than 33%). In the second group, most of the university senior students felt lost not only to find out the local and global problems, but even their personal problems. More importantly, in the first class, the students’ happiness and mental health levels were much better than the fist one in which each student worked alone rather than in the groups in the PBL. They have became more motivated and more connected in the classroom who took responsibilities rather than the first EBL.

As a result, the university curricula should be overviewed and changed to meet the needs of the university students in the career.
Problem-based Learning, Project-based Learning, Practice-based Learning, University Curriculum, University Management, Career Development, Innovation.