Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 2733-2740
ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.0734
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
The experiences of research training in child pedagogy emerges from the student’s appreciations of the “Option of degree” course for the academic periods 2018-1 (26 students), 2018-2 (25 students) and 2018-3 (26 students) in a Bachelor's Degree in Child Pedagogy (distance modality) in Colombia.

The “Option of degree” course integrates the component “Complementary Professional” of the Bachelor´s Degree in Child Pedagogy curriculum. There are proposed different courses that contribute to the professional formation of students, this being one of them, whose interest is to conclude and systematize the research training experience of their students in two orders:

1. At the curricular level, from the formative processes in the courses “Foundations of research” (III semester), “Epistemology and methods of research” (IV semester), “Educational research” (VII semester) and “Elective of research” (IX semester).
2. At the experiential level, based on the degree option chosen by the students according to those that have been proposed by the Institution that offers the Bachelor´s Degree in Child Pedagogy in order to obtain their college degree:
a) Research practice (research group or seedbed);
b) Degree work;
c) Systematization of learning from professional practice;
d) Continuing education programs (Diploma);
e) Postgraduate courses in the principal institution or with institutions of agreement;
f) Certifications or
g) International mobility (Academic General Council, 2014, Article 1, Number 4).

Therefore, according to the student´s appreciations and the curricular organization of the course in accordance with the “traditional distance” modality in which the Bachelor´s Degree in Child Pedagogy is offered (Ministry of National Education, 2017, article 3.3), it is necessary to point out how these formative experiences turned around the following options:
a) Research practice (Research seedbed) (66,23%),
b) Diploma (27,27%),
c) Degree work (5,19%) and
d) Mobility international (1,29%).

It is these results that allow to infer such experiences of research training as research trends in the career, and in this, its constitution as a research scenario whose interest is the curricular update of the Bachelor´s Degree in Child Pedagogy for the professional formation of its students.

Based on the qualitative paradigm (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011), this research deployed an educational ethnography (Velasco & Diaz, 1996) to analyze the research training experiences of the students of the career. The research applied a participant observation (Lévi-Strauss, 1997), virtual inteviews (Alvarez & Jurgenson, 2009) and documental analysis from that experiences, concluding that:
1) the development of these options of degree, as research trends, depends on the interests of the students, the institutional context and the curricular structure of the Bachelor´s Degree in Child Pedagogy; and
2) the resignification of the research training processes in the career, according with these research trends, might be associated to the concepts “research training”, “pedagogical research” and “virtual mediations” as a practical and theoretical reflexive axis for its curricular updating.
Research training, pedagogical research, virtual mediations, curricular update, child pedagogy.