Lagos State University (NIGERIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 7-9 July, 2014
Location: Barcelona, Spain
This study assesses Information Communication Technology (ICT) as it relates with the perception and use of computer and mobile phone technologies among visually impaired persons in effective communication, special education and participation in online and social activities. Theoretically, integration of visually impaired persons in schools especially higher institution of learning in Nigeria seems to be working, but in practical terms, educational opportunities are not being equalised because modern technologies and facilities that could ease integration are in short supply. Diffusion of Innovation theory, Knowledge Gaps theory and Democratic-participant theory are used as theoretical framework for the study. Using descriptive survey design of the Ex Post Facto, visually impaired persons from Vocational Training Centre for the blind (VTC), Oshodi, Lagos and Anglo-Welfare Association for the Blind (ANWAB), Yaba, Lagos were interviewed via self-administered questionnaire complemented with Key Informant Interview. The study revealed that computer literacy is very important to visually impaired persons and that visually impaired persons in Lagos State had to undergo formal training to acquire relevant computer and ICT related skills. Though communication needs of the respondents are met by these assistive technologies but the visually impaired persons encounter basic problems when using the computer and mobile phones, like non identification of icons, financial incapacity, and a lot of times environmental challenges prevailing in developing countries. The study also revealed that the effectiveness level of these ICT devices (the computer and mobile phones) is low as a result of the low compatibility level that these devices have with the visually impaired persons thereby making it difficult for them to integrate fully into the educational system in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that adequate steps should be taken by the various institutional education boards in ensuring the availability and accessibility of these devices to enhance the education of the virtually impaired persons and improve the standard of inclusive education in Nigeria. Keywords:
Visually impaired persons, Assistive technologies, Inclusive education, Special education, Information Communication Technology.