Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 8963-8967
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2162
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Just two years ago, ChatGPT transformed information acquisition and became a prominent topic with particular concerns in education. The increasing potential of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, especially generative AI (GenAI), as ChatGPT or GEMINI, has introduced new challenges and threats to teaching. At the same time, GenAI increased its popularity, the rise of studies applying this technology to education experiences reveals the educators worries about the AI-assisted cheating of students or the impact on their creativity and learning capabilities. However, far from the catastrophic vision of AI powered initiatives detractors, the natural language processing on which GenAI is based opens access to a new vision of technology for teaching accessible and free from additional training barriers . Although the consequences of disruptive technologies, as GenAI is, are not yet clear, numerous learning experiments are already demonstrating potential for improvement in various areas such as learning assessment, enhancing pedagogical practice, creating outline, and brainstorming ideas . While the number of AI technology application experiments increases, there is almost a total absence of studies on the production of education material that may help educators and their students to better understand the applicability of this technology and its significance. Investigating the consequences of GenAI in education makes no sense if we do not provide educators and students with the tools to make ethical and conscious use of this highly usable technology. In addition, most research are focused on educators and other stakeholders, and neither the voices nor perspectives of students are included in most current studies.

In order to bridge the gap in this research, user-centered design participatory methodologies have been used to co-create, together engineering students of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, educational materials that generates conscientious usage of GenAI technologies. This support material aims at enhancing their creativity and learning assessment when using these tools as part of their usual learning activities. As a result, the definition and development of modular training resources focused on providing practical implementation of prompting to assist iterative problem solving and divergent phase in creativity methodologies was created. The resulted material aims at developing critical and creative thinking, moving away from the rote learning model towards one, where future professional maximize these purely human capabilities to make an ethical usage of AI. In addition, co-created educational resources aim at providing not only the basic skills for successfully implementing effective prompting in GenAI as support of the learning methods, but also the necessary abilities to detect inconsistencies, bias, or directly errors in the obtaining results. Finally, usability and usefulness of the created resources were evaluated as part of the iterative participatory methodology.
Artificial Intelligence, learning processes, ethical education.