Universidad de Oviedo (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 9540-9544
ISBN: 978-84-09-14755-7
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2019.2327
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the class work and the student's study are inverted. However, there is no single model to describe the flipped classroom, but the approach varies between teachers and educational levels. Despite these differences, the most common is to make the study material available to students before classes. The term flipped classroom was coined by Walvoord and Johnson Anderson (1998) who proposed a model where students, before class, have a first approach to the content. In the classroom, content comprehension (synthesizing, solving problems) is encouraged through active learning. In order to ensure that students perform the necessary preparation for work, they must carry out a series of activities (essays, questionnaires, etc.). There are three main pillars that have been taken into consideration when proposing the present inverted class project:
Using the inverted class model, students are required to do homework before the class session. Not all students will do this. What will happen to students who have not done it? In order to avoid this problem, the explanation in the classroom has always been made from scratch, assuming that the students have not seen the videos and using them merely as additional support in the explanation.
Online material quality: we are aware that no student will accept a very long and detailed video. How deep should the material be? How much time should the student dedicate to visualization? All videos made available to students have a duration between 2 minutes and 12 seconds and 3 minutes and 47 seconds.

Quality of production:
It has been tried that, although for the realization of the videos professional equipment was not available nor external aid for its accomplishment, all of them were at least of a sufficient quality for the pursued objective.

Finally, when carrying out the project, we have taken into account that not all students would find this approach attractive. That is, not all students will see that this unique strategy meets their learning needs. Bearing this in mind, throughout the entire project we have been concerned about trying to overcome the possible reluctance of students to this methodology.

Given the experience of the teachers of the subject of Numerical Calculus in this subject, some problems were chosen that allowed to cover all the concepts that are approached in the topic of optimization. These problems are explained and resolved during the lectures of the subject.

Once these problems were selected, we worked on linking the theoretical concepts that each of them contains with their content. The next stage consisted of elaborating an explanatory video of how the problem should be solved. Note that this is an explanatory video of how to solve the problem and not the resolution of it. Then, the videos made were uploaded to YouTube and with the convenient advance the students were informed through a message on the Virtual Campus that a new video was at their disposal.

Having assumed in advance that it would not be a good indicator of this project to seek a higher rate of success in the subject in the current academic year compared to the previous courses, it was decided to carry out an anonymous opinion survey to the students. The results obtained show that from the point of view of the students the results of the project have been satisfactory.
Flipped classroom, Numerical Analysis, Mathematics, Optimization, YouTube.