2 Virtual Campus LDA (PORTUGAL)
3 Creative Thinking Development (GREECE)
4 Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'abruzzo e del Molise G Caporale (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 3527-3531
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.0954
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
One of the most important priorities in the European Union is to ensure food safety and protection of consumer’s rights. Society and politics are constantly changing. This causes society's priorities to change over time, which, in turn, translates into new needs and situations that must be evaluated. Consequently, food law, to cover new social needs and situations that arise because of changing reality, is constantly updated.

Any ignorance of Food Business Operators about this kind of changes in food law negatively affects the essential priorities for the European Union: food safety and consumer’s rights protection. These priorities can be promoted through the dissemination of the necessary knowledge to keep it intact, allowing, therefore, the learning and development of knowledge of FBOs required to ensure compliance with these laws.

There is an important need to modernize higher education to keep up with the globalization and technological developments all over Europe. TRIFLIM focuses to the need for development of hard skills for technicians and professionals from agri-food sector and related industries. On the other hand, the changing demand of different products from different countries caused by globalization and the access to on-line platforms which allow consumer’s access to many food products from different countries, can negatively affect food safety as well as can lead to unfair information practices. There is a relevant lack of knowledge in food law area and this lack is increasing through the years. This lack becomes worrying when comes from food businesses or people who work in the food law sector. In addition to this, any ignorance of Food Legislation provisions, can pose significant risks related to the placing on the market of their products and consequently sets burdens in their activities.

Therefore, there is a need to ensure food safety, avoid incidents and situations of crisis and support food businesses in a competitive market environment. This need can be promoted through the dissemination of the necessary knowledge related to Food Legislation

The objective of TRIFLIM project is the development of an innovative e-learning programme about European Union food law providing the acquisition of knowledge and the specialization in food law supporting opportunities in acquiring and developing key competences to foster employability and socio-educational and personal development. Training will be achieved using the latest ICT tools and designing the gamification of content to foster user motivation. This will make the process of learning more innovative and attractive. This objective will be reached ensuring the clarity, completeness and quality of the work programme, including appropriate phases for preparation, implementation, monitoring evaluation, sharing and promotion. The result that the project will reach is an innovative and motivating digital training that exploits the latest technologies and learning approaches based on gamification and storytelling to make the whole process more modern and attractive, adapted to the training needs and the preferences of the attendees.
Food Law, Erasmus +, ICT, Gamification, e-learning, Vocational Education, International Projects, Innovation, Training.