1 University of Granada (SPAIN)
2 University of Malaga (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 2257-2260
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0620
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
Biochemistry is a science that explains many of cellular phenomena that occur in the body. This discipline is fundamental to understanding how biological processes work and how they influence our health. However, some students of Physiotherapy at the University of Granada, Melilla Campus sometimes do not find applicability of biochemical knowledge in professional practice, although many physiotherapeutic therapies, such as electrotherapy, thermotherapy or sports physiotherapy are related to biochemistry, providing scientific evidence that validates the professional practice.

Our main objective is that the student is able to carry out an integrated teaching- learning, which allows the interconnection of the biochemistry subject with other specific subjects of the Physiotherapy Degree, such as Electrotherapy, Thermotherapy and Sports Physiotherapy.

The methodology employed was the use of mini-videos based on "real" case studies, so that the student could be "in situ" in one of their possible professional scenarios. The case study questions were based on the treatment of some pathologies and sports performance. The students answered the questions, establishing an interconnection between the biochemical foundation and the procedure used in physiotherapy therapies. For this purpose, the free and open source application for video recording "OBS-Studio" was used. In addition, the students' opinions were collected through an anonymous questionnaire based on 15 questions, multiple-choice and open-ended questions with optional space provided to elaborate on the answer for evaluating the main objectives of the this study.

A total of 28 students of the Electrotherapy and Thermotherapy subject and 25 students of the Sports Physiotherapy subject answered the anonymous questionnarie. Around 63% (Electrotherapy and Thermotherapy subject) and 68% (Sports Physiotherapy subject) students have considered that the use of the videos can serve for the transfer of knowledge to diary life and in the professional field. Furthermore, approximately 74% (Electrotherapy and Thermotherapy subject) and 80% (Sports Physiotherapy subject) of the students consider that these activities have allowed them to develop their communication skills and improve their autonomous learning. In addition, 72% (Electrotherapy and Thermotherapy subject) and 81% (Sports Physiotherapy subject) understand the need for biochemical knowledge in their future professional practice. Finally, 89% (Electrotherapy and Thermotherapy subject) and 78% (Sports Physiotherapy subject) of the students would like to carry out other subjects through this type of learning.

This type of learning has allowed physiotherapy students to understand that many techniques, therapies and treatments that improve mobility, injury prevention and sports performance have an underlying biochemical basis. It also motivates students and shows students the applicability of biochemical knowledge in the practice of their future profession physiotherapists.
Videos, practice cases, Biochemistry, physiotherapeutic therapies.