1 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) (GEORGIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 4071-4079
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1021
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The rapid change the world is experiencing today is occurring not only in technology, but within interpersonal relationships and communication environments, requiring Leadership and Management to develop a more team-oriented approach. Following the Covid pandemic, Higher Education Institutions(HEI) require transformation in teaching-learning and research processes, with specific team-related work where connection between individuals is key. The abstract outlines the transformative experience the corporate world has benefited from by applying the Cocrea’s Personal Mastery (CPM) methodology, which may be integrated into the HEI sector. CPM has evolved constantly over the past 20 years in multiple sectors (ex. Banking and financial institutions, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Creative agencies, Consultancy firms etc.) focusing on the development of soft skills. The methodology is inspired by an andragogical and constructivist conception of "knowledge", in this case of "knowing how to be" (Rogers and Knowles, and the earlier Vygotsky and Piaget) and of training in the field of behaviors. CPM proprietary methodology process and essential tools are applied in an experimental context with a combination of:
- 360 assessments: The participant receives feedback on a number of live interviews with people in his/her close environment regarding the impact of their behaviors on relationships and the outcome of projects. The coach then assesses the voluntarily commitment of the participant to continue with the process. This phase is particularly important for decision makers who are key to the cultural change of the organization.
- Seminar: conducted by a team of facilitators guides the participants on an individual experimental journey benefiting from the diversity and collective intelligence of a group.
- Personal and team coaching: supports participants to stay on track with their decisions, while encountering daily obstacles.
The process initially allows for the identification of survival patterns and belief systems created in the early stage of development of an individual, many of which become obstacles in adulthood. Neuroscience explains how the brain tends to work on a survival/reactive mode, making it hard to perceive the differences between objective and subjective reality, giving cause to a reactive State of Being, based on an unconscious set of beliefs that define our “comfort zone”. Participants observe how their “survival” brain has defined a behavioral strategy to “fit in”, and thus realize the “cage” they are living in. The seminar allows them to reconnect to a deeper self, experiment their emotions, share and express vulnerability and empathy, and learn to shift from a survival to a creative State of Being. The CPM process is counter-intuitive towards the discovery of one’s self, in a collective intelligence environment rather than a deductive understanding exclusively based on rationality.
Further to this abstract CPM methodology will be presented in 2 case studies from different business sectors and 1 regarding PhD students in educational sciences.
The research team consists of Italian, Swiss and Georgian scholars, with firsthand experience on how the CPM opens up a deeper trust between individuals, maximizing resources to achieve better results on essential projects. We believe this will help reframe the culture of HEI to meet the challenges of living in the 21st century. For such purpose this article is the first significant step.
leadership, andragogy, neuroscience, sharing, co-operation, co-creation, diversity, coaching, inclusion, trust, commitment, engagement, feedback.