1 European Science Foundation - ESF (FRANCE)
2 Learning Planet Institute, Paris Cité University (FRANCE)
3 University of Helsinki (FINLAND)
4 Universita San-Raffaele (ITALY)
5 Vita Salute San-Raffaele University (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 4263-4270
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1070
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The EU-funded PATTERN project aims to promote inclusive and sustainable practices in Open Science (OS) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) by creating transferable skills trainings for students and researchers at all career stages. These trainings respond to the needs to support career development, and foster an education and research linked to innovation for societal benefit. All policy levels should be interconnected in shaping and delivering the relevant learning opportunities.

For instance, the European Competence Framework for Researchers refers to the need for researchers to be equipped with transferable skills and delivers on the new European Research Area (ERA) and the European Skills Agenda. It is also the first competence framework for Research aligned with the European Skills, Competences, and Occupations classification (ESCO) as it is developed based on the taxonomy of transferable skills included in the current, 2022 version of the classification.

In addition, gender inequality in research has been a problem evidenced by the gender gaps in the access, representation, dropout or the salary gaps both in the differential Learning and Career paths . Literature associates the lack of education, representation and sociocultural factors as main causes, directly linked to stereotypes and gender roles, as well as the masculinazation of fields and disciplines directly related to power, such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), but also underrepresentation of women in these fields and on decision-making positions, among others. Although these problems present variabilities depending on the context, this is a widespread challenge observed globally. For this reason, upskilling students and researchers on Gender Equality, Intersectionality and Inclusion, is fundamental to empower RRI.

During the consolidation of knowledge phase of the PATTERN project, 64 existing trainings on Gender Equality and Inclusion, have been mapped. These included formal educational (postgraduate courses, MOOCs, workshops) and non-formal educational materials (static resources, webinars) that were mapped based on metadata analysis criteria, while the quality assurance of these trainings has been assessed separately. Some gaps and shortcomings have been identified.

PATTERN partner institutions are developing new training modules on Gender Equality and Inclusion, to address the gaps from different angles: intersectionality, data, cultural, scientific, linguistic, communication, and synergies, to be then piloted and refined in two learning cycles within their institutional contexts. Adaptable, clearly structured and user-friendly training materials will include elements of project-based learning for stronger engagement of the audience. They will also be freely and publicly available through PATTERN platform and serve as valuable reference and inspiration for other Universities and trainers. Increasing linkages between policies at all levels (European, national and institutional) and the trainings will also empower Universities, researchers and students into following OS and RRI practices.
Gender Equality, Inclusion, Intersectionality, Education, Research, Policy, Training, Transferable Skills, PATTERN project.