South Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 9588-9593
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2508
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Research problem:
In the contemporary landscape of the education development, an urgent need of teachers training has arisen, especially of teachers who are proficient in psychological and pedagogical methods and technologies aimed at children both with a conditional developmental norm and with children with speech disorders. The problem of the research is to identify effective psychological and pedagogical conditions of pedagogical college students’ training for professional activities with children with severe speech disorders (SSP).

In foreign and native scientific literature, considerable attention is paid to various models of professional competence’s improvement of future and practicing teachers while organizing work with children with speech disorders, especially in an inclusive education.

The research aim is to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions of pedagogical college students’ training for professional activities with children with severe speech disorders (SSD).

Research methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and special literature on the problem of research, design of the academic discipline’s curriculum; observation, questioning, survey, experiment, methods of mathematical data processing.

Conclusions and recommendations: As the criteria for the readiness of pedagogical college students’ for the professional activities with children with severe speech disorders, we have identified the following: content, activity, personal.

An analysis for the readiness of pedagogical college students’ for the professional activities with children with severe speech disorders showed that the students of the experimental group could not fully demonstrate the formation of theoretical knowledge on the development and correction of preschool children speech problems.

The average score of students' readiness according to all the criteria increased from the average level (40%) at the ascertaining stage of the experiment to a high level (85%) at the control stage.

Practice-oriented training of pedagogical college students includes the use of a specific lecture and seminar system: problem, lecture - visualization, binary lectures by theoreticians and practitioners with analysis and modeling of real professional situations; lectures with pre-planned errors, lectures-press conferences, lectures-talks, lectures-discussions; seminars-discussions, seminars-role-playing games, seminars-research, seminars-workshops. The created academic course working program "Organization and content of speech therapy support for children with severe speech disorders" in the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education , described practice-oriented pedagogical technologies for the students’ inclusion in work with children with SSD, recommendations to pedagogical college teachers on the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions of pedagogical college students’ training for professional activities with children with severe speech disorders can be included in the main educational program’s curriculum of pedagogical colleges, to improve the qualifications of teachers in working with children with severe speech pathologies.
Readiness of students, professional activity, correctional and developmental work, children with severe speech disorders, psychological and pedagogical conditions, pedagogical college, working program, academic course, speech therapy support, practice-oriented pedagogical technologies.