Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Faculty of Education (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9989-9996
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2051
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The basic goal of our contribution is to present a unique international project that connects five countries and at the same time universities, primary schools, private schools and non-governmental organizations focused on education. We take a holistic approach in which we will work all levels of training in synergy. We begin with the development of teachers´competences and their self-management and leadership.

The main objective of the project is to increase the quality of University education through the implemenatation of the learner-centered approach, developing excellent schools based on the EFQM model of excellence and the Learn&Lead development and management within the school environment.

The desired main objectives will be achieved by the following specific objectives: Create curricula of three study subjects called „The leaner-centred approach for student - teachers in their 2nd year of the Batchelor ́s study, for student-teachers in their 3rd year of the Batchelor ́s study and in their first year of the Master ́s study. Create a curriculum of a study subject called „Learn & Lead Self-management“ for student-teachers in their final year of the Marter ́s study. Train the in-service teachers in the „Learner-centered approach basic“ training course along with the Learn&Lead basic training course. 2week intensive programme.Train heads of deparments/lead teachers, managers, Principals/vice principals of primary schools and deans/vice deans of Universities in the developping excellent schools based on the EFQM model. Train the LCA teacher-trainers who will work with the trained teachers in their schools after the project finishes.Create the LCA Trainer Competence Framework. This will comprise of set of core competences of the learner-centred approach, the definition of developmental phases of teachers and the quality standards for each phase which altogether form the career path of teachers and teacher-trainers. Create the LCA Guidelines for Primary schools. Organize two LCA International Conferences.Create curricula of two life long learning teacher-training programmes called "Application of the learner-centred approach" and "Teacher Self-development and management - Learn&Lead".

The Upgrade with Learner-centred Approach (ULCA) project applies mixed approach from data collection and analyses, desk research, as well as focused group discussions within project partnership. There is directly connected order of all training activities, from tools for teachers and principals/managers to creating new curricula, Conference organisation, publish the Conference preceeding, Creation of newsletters of the project, Creation and preparation of the website, creation of the LCA Teacher Competence Framework, LCA teacher-trainers, creation of LCA model schools, Training LCA schools for University student-teachers.
Innovation, Education, Learner - centered approach, EFQM model, Teacher Self-development.