Universidad de Jaén (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2016
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Using a web in order to publish the teacher's tutorial schedule is not new. A saturation or an obsession for this matter has been reached in different webpages (Departments, Faculties,…) of university environments. In fact, the publication in institutional websites has come to be priority over the flexibility of tutorial hours. It has even forgotten its proper management and the compatibility with other educational tasks which were not included in the initial scheduling and which overlap the scheduled ones. With a centralization of all these areas into a single website, unnecessary duplications are avoided, but not inflexibility. The restraints of these places often push the limit and restrict to teachers. However, the web is very malleable and allows a publication not necessarily with parameters as strict as are currently offered. A more dynamic website open to the needs of teachers is possible nowadays, with reservations, cancellations, schedule changes, last minute changes, updatable, instinctive, automatic... In this line of thought, we intend to explore ideas to develop a web according to the current reality of teaching, which is helpful, compatible with the circumstances and common obligations.Keywords:
Web, online, tutorial, management, office hours, schedules, dynamic website.