Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2009 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 1015-1016
ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 3rd International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 9-11 March, 2009
Location: Valencia, Spain
Education has been basically designed from two points of view: from the technological and scientific and from the theoretical and practical. In these two aspects experience has not been contemplated.

On the other hand pupil motivation is defined using the binomial intrinsic/extrinsic and when we try to analyse what activates our behaviour the explanation is given in terms of needs, incentives, fears, goals, social pressure, personal confidence, interest, curiosity, beliefs, expectations, etc. Besides, psychology differences four general theories of motivation: behaviour theory, with words such as “reward” or “incentives” to explain motivation. Humanist position: known as the third via of psychology due to it appeared as a reaction to the two existing predominant currents in those years (theory of the conduct and Freudian psychoanalysis. Humanist interpretation of motivation stresses the intrinsic sources as the needs to “self-realization”, the “innate realization tendency” or the need to “self-determination”. What these ideas have in common is the idea of people is being continuously motivated by the innate need to develop its potential; and therefore, and in accordance with the humanist position, to motivate students signifies cultivate their internal resources. Cognitive theories: to some extent also the cognitive theories on motivation appeared as a reaction to the behaviour point of view. Defenders of this point of view believe that conduct is being determined by thought and not only by the reinforcement of punishment received. One of the key suppositions of the cognitive tendencies is that people do not respond to external situations or physical conditions such as famine, but to the interpretation it can be made of them.

It is difficult to apply all the above in a single shared lesson, and following the starting point of this paper , experience tells us that not always is possible to apply all these knowledge , on the contrary, in very few occasions we can do it and in those cases, some times with diverse results.

The experience accumulated when lecturing Master lessons on Friday evening to students that also have a professional intense activity, has requested the development of new techniques to motivate students , and in applying so we have noticed , for example, that the better results are obtained if the lessons are being lectured by two persons at the same time.

The conditioning and requisites of this way of motivation, or better said, the way to maintain the required attention is the objective of this paper here expounded. Results are clear pupils are satisfied and quality surveys on teachers´ evaluation by the students reach the highest values in comparison with other matters.

This technique ca be applied to other conferences and congresses and the results are evident. Among the cons of this system is the cost of using two lecturers and the mutual understanding, generosity and comprehension that must exist between both speakers in order to obtain good results.