University College of Teacher Education Vienna (AUSTRIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 7284-7291
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.1453
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
As an observable phenomenon, digitization has affected almost every area of human life today, and the constant digital expansion affects children in classrooms in particular. Access to information and data by digital means has reached an enormous extent, which is naturally also used by teenagers to generate knowledge.
Based on these developments, this research deals with the question of what options are available to students in mathematics to access subject-related information. Very often find the children and young people in their search for the almost unmanageable range of teaching and learning videos on the Internet of varying quality.

But how should a teaching and learning video be designed in order to appeal to the visual and auditory senses of the students and to be able to better process or remember the learning content?

On the basis of the selected research design, of Design-Based-Research, the development, implementation and evaluation of the learning videos was documented. The process of creating a script and the production of teaching and learning videos are presented and explained. With the help of a qualitative research approach the graphic and linguistic development was evaluated. Afterwards the implementation of the produced videos in the classroom for a certain period of time in the subject mathematics at the secondary school for economics and technology. The videos we quantitatively evaluated. Pupils were able to evaluate the teaching and learning videos using a questionnaire. The results are evaluated, graphically displayed and described.

The results of this work prove that the created teaching and learning videos to a high degree for the teaching of theoretical contents in mathematics lessons. On the one hand, teaching and learning videos enrich the teaching by using them in face-to-face or distance learning. On the other hand they also activate the students' auditory and visual sensory channels and students, which enables them to better process and retain the learning content can.

The graphic and content preparation of teaching and learning videos also brings different emotions that are attention- and motivation-enhancing and that can be have an impact on the learning processes.
Videos, Learning Videos, Mathematics, Design-Based-Research.