University College of Teacher Education Vienna (AUSTRIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 2686-2691
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.0803
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Increasingly, digital technologies determine the lives of our students. They are the first generation to grow with digital technologies of the 21st century. They are therefore surrounded throughout their lives by computers, smartphones and tablets with Internet access. This is why they are called "digital natives". Modern educational institutions take up this reality and help children to find their way around it. The demand for a modern education combined with the use of new teaching and learning methods combined with the use of new learning technologies can no longer be ignored. New Media are tied to the use of digital techniques. Changing teaching materials and the emerging roles of teachers and pupils are influenced by new technological possibilities. The aim of media didactics is to impart media skills and to promote the further development of teaching processes with the help of new media. In the sense of media literacy, new media should not have an objective in themselves, but should serve the further acquisition of knowledge. This involves harnessing the didactic potential that results from the use of new media. Curriculums provide for the application of new technologies. Contemporary learning uses new media. All subjects must be based on age-appropriate basic strains of information management and learning and teaching organisation with information technology means. The teaching materials used should be up to date in order to increase the motivation of the pupils.
Physical education is not primarily associated with the use of new technologies. In most cases, the opposite is the case. Computers, smartphones and tablets in particular are often blamed for the inability of children and adolescents in their movement.
If curricula and educational standards for physical education are considered, it is noticeable that little attention is paid to the use of media. Equally inadequate is the equipment at sports facilities, which are not intended for appropriate media use. For the implementation strategies, the measures at the personal, didactic and material level are lacking.
However, research shows that in the field of physical education, the use of new media is viewed positively by teachers and learners. New information technologies are particularly suitable in this field for their own body perception during the new learning process and also for improving the quality of movement. With the help of apps that are available for tablets and smartphones, it is possible to present and analyze sports-related and visual representations.
Information Technologies, Digital Technologies, New Technologies, Apps, Pysical Education, Sports, Tablet, Smartphone, New Media.