Enzyme Advising Group (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN13 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 1718-1722
ISBN: 978-84-616-3822-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2013
Location: Barcelona, Spain
iKey Retail Performance an Enzyme product to support the Continuous Change Management of Business Retail Organizations. The solution is oriented to improve the organizational collective awareness and to support an organizational strategic thinking based on an embedded methodology for a continuous organizational change management and leadership. The software platform will be incorporated to the Enzyme Solution Portafolio, in particular to the iKey Retail Performance product line.

Currently, change management projects are expensive projects that once developed and implemented lacks of automatic tools that support their continouos execution on time. Then, investment in organizational change for efficiency improvements do not receive the expected return of investment (Investment > ROI).

The product aimed to support the execution of a continous change management process of corporate sales by incorporating new information technologies to this important area of organization development. The product allow companies to have a better organizational process management by providing an organizational collective awareness and an organizational strategic thinking around a change management embedded methodology.

The goal is to deliver, first, an Organisational Continous Change Management Methodology and a Bussiness Process Management (electronic workflow) to give electronical support to change management process in retail organisations making these processes sustainable over time. Enzyme explain the methology and the BPM The platform will be integrated in a process of change management consisting of Plan, Do, Check and Act.

The second goal is to deliver, the components that based on the methology will provide the computational mechanisms to provide an Organizational Collective Awareness. The awareness to be obtained goes in two directions. The first one is through components for automatic management and behaviour extraction of sales teams. Trust models are going be adapted for calculation of trust about the fulfillment of the actions and action plans designed for each team member; Reputation model has been designed to provide a novel computation of the reputation gained by organisation members while interacting with other company members and customers. From these values the system will calculates the lack of skills within the entire organization, and the need to promote or recruit new people. The second one is through components that will allow to discover with high probability how actions and action plans influence in the organization performance. The analysis will search for the correlations between key performance indicators and actions plans. All these measures will compose a rich set of funtionalities that will provide a better undertanding of the status of the sales organisation and act accordingly to improve its effectiveness.

The third challenge is to provide managers with tool for Organizational Strategic Thinking. Specifically, the product can contribute to support the strateginc planning through the development of components for simulation scenarios sales (What-if) to identify changes in the action plans should be made to improve it, the search areas of similar sales to know which of them can be implemented action plans that have been successful, evaluation scenarios of potential sales (viability) to determine whether or not we can achieve the goals expected of them, to give support to budget allocation resources.
Change Management, Performance, Continuous Change, Sales Force, Reputation, Banking, Insurance.