1 Universidad de La Laguna (SPAIN)
2 Universidad de León (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2018 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 515-519
ISBN: 978-84-697-9480-7
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2018.0109
Conference name: 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 5-7 March, 2018
Location: Valencia, Spain
This paper contrasts students’ and lecturers' perception in terms of the relationship between educational quality and evaluation criteria. A qualitative methodology through a group discussion technique was used. It was observed that lecturers associated the quality of the degree with their professional category; while students thought the involvement in the classroom and the availability of the lecturers were the most remarkable factors.

In recent years the Spanish university system has undergone substantial changes both in structure and in the teaching approach, affecting directly the type of teaching staff, the methodologies used and teaching valuation systems in which research is progressively more valued than the educational quality perceived by students. This entails a reconfiguration of the overall concept of university education, how to deliver content, how students demonstrate competencies acquired and how they are assessed.

• Participants
The research participants are students and lecturers from the degree of Chemical Engineering of the University of La Laguna (Spain).

Resulys and Conclusions:
Regarding the objective of this research, it has been observed that the students attribute the educational quality to the predisposition and motivation of the teacher towards the subject, provided that evaluation and qualification procedures are structured, based on clear criteria and with open methodologies that favor the student's involvement in his learning process. However, there is no such agreement between lecturers, revealing the argument that the category and the academic and research prestige of the lecturer are real indicators of a higher quality in teaching. The main contribution of the research has been to contrast qualitative data extraction protocols (about the parameters influencing the quality of education) with students' and lecturers' evaluations. In particular, the coherence of the methodological and evaluative importance and the academic prestige of the lecturer has been studied, something that contributes significantly to the existing literature on the subject. To this end, the instrument of the discussion group has been used, which is of great relevance in the field of qualitative research and has favored structuring the paper in the three emergent categories. From this research it is possible to see how two closely related aspects, such as research and teaching, have a direct impact on students.
Educational quality, Evaluation criteria, Professional category, Perceptions of the student, Perception from teacher.