Universitatea 1" Decembrie 1918" Alba Iulia (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3714-3719
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1036
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
As in the case of all branches of sport, in dance sport, physical training can be systematized, depending on the content and the methodological needs, in general physical training (GPT) and specific physical training (SPT).

The two types of training are mutually conditioned, coexisting organically with each other, both being indispensable in the training of the dancers and conditioning the achievement of superior performances.

The practical activity of coaching has shown me that only a rational and balanced combination of specific and non-specific means can ensure the acquisition of an optimal physical training for dance sport practitioners.

Regarding the general physical training, its main function is to ensure harmonious physical development, to improve the effort capacity, both by achieving superior parameters of the basic motor skills (speed, strength, endurance) and coordination skills, and by training a wide range of motor skills including basic motor skills (walking, running, jumping, throwing, etc.), as well as technical elements from other sports that contribute to achieving the objectives of the physical training.

The specific physical training (SPT) has a content oriented mainly towards the development of the specific effort capacity of dance sport, respectively to the development of all motor qualities that ensure the proper acquisition and expression of the figures that make up standard and Latin choreography, to engage those muscle groups engaged in the specific effort. Thus, in this type of training, emphasis will be placed on optimizing the capacity of rhythm and tempo, the spatio-temporal orientation, on the developing the speed of execution, the reactive force, the resistance in coordination mode etc. We consider that within SPT, the complexity will be the parameter of effort that will be decisive in increasing the difficulty of the technical or non-specific exercises.

The lack of a physical profile of the dance sport practitioners at the level of the specialized federation determined us to elaborate a set of control tests that would allow us to evaluate those motor parameters that we consider important in the physical training of the dancers.

Thus, starting from the Eurofit test battery, we adapted some tests to the specifics of the dance sport and evaluated the dynamic balance, the joint mobility, the intersegmental coordination and rhythmicity, the trunk and shoulder mobility, the explosive force in the lower limbs, the abdominal muscle strength, the strength and resistance to the muscles of the back, shoulders, abdomen, the specific shuffle speed and agility.

The use of these tests allowed us, in a larger research, to adjust the physical training, within a year of training, so that the proposed objectives were met.
Physical training, dance sport, evaluation.