Educando School (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2017 Proceedings
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 3996-4001
ISBN: 978-84-617-8491-2
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2017.0973
Conference name: 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2017
Location: Valencia, Spain
This study starts with the following question: What’s the influence of the application in a pre-kindergarten school of Coaching techniques on the learning process and the new skills development in 3 years old children.

In this report, we will review the possible positive influence of the Coaching techniques implementation and also the possible benefits of using those techniques not just with the students but also with teachers and parents.

Teachers may take advantage of the approach to improve some of their teaching skills and also to get some personal tools to use in class such as dealing with any possible stress situation in the classroom among some other issues. On the other hand, we also believe that including the children’s parents in the overall implantation of coaching techniques may bring some value to them as well by getting some new techniques so they can identify some of the child’s emotions and they may use these techniques to approach the learning process of the child in the same direction the school does so there is some harmony and agreement between home and the school.

Although we believe coaching as an approach used in schools has been improved a lot for the last years, we observe some variations in the evidence of results across specific programs. This report will review the existing literature to evaluate whether it is possible to differentiate among coaching approaches used in early childhood settings and to identify those specific features that are most reliably related with evidence of effectiveness in the learning process of the children.

Coaching in early childhood may be considered as a particular type of helping practice within a capacity building model to support children in using existing abilities and developing new skills (OLIVÉ, 2011). It promotes self-reflection and improvement of current practices on the part of the student being coached. Hudson (1999) believes that coaching encourages evaluation and it provides a meaningful approach to the learning process for both the children and families with whom the early childhood educator interacts.

We will introduce several tests to the children before and after the time of the research in both groups and we will study and compare the possible differences between the two of them to determine whether the Coaching approach has provided and influence on the learning process.

Some Coaching training will be also introduced to the teacher and educators responsible for the group in which we are introducing these techniques so they understand the method and the new approach.

The method we are going to apply will be a scientific, descriptive, experimental and statistical method. The study design will be quasi-experimental with two study groups as we just mentioned. The techniques we are going to use to determine the results are going to be observation, interview with teachers and families and practical tests.

The results observed from this study will determine if the application of coaching techniques in a pre-Kindergarten school has a positive influence on the learning process development and new skills acquisition in 3 years old children.